My 5 year old grandson starts kindergarden in 2 wks and refuses to poop in poty. We have tried all the tricks and nothing. Can he go to school with this problem? ...
My 2, almost 3 yr. old refuses to go poo poo, even in her diaper. She squeezes her cheeks and tenses up until the urge has left. She's very verbal and tells me she ...
I have an almost 15month old son who has the hardest time pooping. If we are lucky, he poops maybe 2 or 3 times a week which seems like too far between. Also, when ...
I have long lasting painful cramps that don't seem to go away when I change position, walk, or rest. I know the baby is still ok, anyone have an idea of what they co...
Hi Moms,
I came across this information as my son has some minor issues re getting to the bathroom on time/ not knowing the difference between passing gas (a big o...
My daughter has been potty trained since she was 2 1/2 years old, but she constantly refuses to have a BM. She holds it until she can't hold it in any longer (someti...
Help! My son was almost completely potty trained when he was three, but then he had emergency surgery earlier this year. Seven weeks later, he broke his leg. The pain...
Hi all,
My daughter has had problems with constipation off and on since she was born. She used to drink prune juice for me out of a bottle, but now that she's older ...
Hi, just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get my soon to be 3 year old son to eat more fiber. He doesn't have regular bowel movements and when it does, t...
My 5 month old nephew has had horrible constipation since the day he came to live with us. Today he pooped and hadn't done so since Thursday. I've tried putting a l...