Hello all, I hope you can share some personal explanations with me about my friends with hopefully more than "It is written in the bible" or "that's what the church t...
...every person who owns a decent camera thinks they're a photographer?
Maybe I'm a little biased because my FIL is a world renowned photographer, but it is starti...
I've recently been told my child has Asperger's disorder, he was recently diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. He is very stubborn and will not do what hes told, like bru...
My 5 year old son seems to be ambidextrous. He will eat with his left hand and then with his right, and behaves similarly when coloring, throwing balls, etc. The li...
omg, between the ACA decision and now the gay marriage ruling, i'm positively giddy! what a great week for forward thinking positive energy optimistic americans!
Hello moms, I am here for your advice! My nephew is 5 years old and recently diagnosed with ADHD with mood disorders, my sister and her ex have taken him to 2 doctors...
Hi my son just turned siz at the end of August and started first grade at the same time. He struggled thru kindergarten and then we found out he needed his tonsils, ...