Hormones: Preschooler, The First Years

Results 51-60 from 159 articles

Working Parents , Stay at Home Parents, Single Parents.

D.A. asks from Los Angeles

I would like to find out the opinion of the all parents out there? I am a working mom and I choose to be a working mom. I am a better mom because I get out and work...


14 Month Old Will Not Drink Regular Milk

G.B. asks from Anchorage

I've had to stop breastfeeding due to meds that I have to take. My daughter refuses to drink regular milk. Her doctor suggested diluting the milk with water. I've ...


Suffering from Postpartum Depression

J.W. asks from Tucson

Ever since I had my son 5 months ago, I have felt very bad all the time. I cry a lot and have mood swings. I feel very overwhelmed by everyday things and I sometime...


Tv, Toddler and Autisim???

A.M. asks from College Station

I was on a friends website just a few mins ago and their was a post about tv=autism! I have an 18 month old who watches tv here and there but it's basicly background ...


Come On... I Know We're Not Perfect...

N.G. asks from Dallas

I mean, we can't ALL be super-moms. I often see gloating in life (and yes, even on here) to the tune of "I feed my kid organic milk that comes only from goats who po...


Won't Take a Bottle - Suggestions?

A.H. asks from Seattle

I have a 9 month old son. We have breastfed him exclusively since birth. At a few weeks old we introduced him to a bottle and he took it with no problems. My husband ...


Anyone Else Out There Have a Lazy Problem like Me??

E.S. asks from Dallas

WOW, I can't believe I got 55 responses!!! Thank you to everyone who is responding and will keep responding :) I am overwhelemed with gratitude!! All the info has be...


Switching to Whole Milk and Vomiting - Help!!!

A.W. asks from Atlanta

My son turned a year on March 21st so we started introducing whole milk - slowly - one oz a time. We were up to 5oz whole milk and 3 oz formula on Saturday. On Sunday...


Adjusting to Life as a Mom of 2...how Was It for You?

R.S. asks from Chicago

We have a 25 month old and a 3 week old...everyone is adjusting in their own ways to life as a family of 4. There are days when things seem to go smoothly and days wh...


Advice on Remaining Close to My Son

R.T. asks from Orlando

When my first born (son) was little, he was a mama's boy and when he'd hug me, my husband would tease that I'd better get in all the hugs I could because someday he'd...