Girlfriends & Boyfriends: Toddler, The First Years

Results 1-10 from 603 articles

Needing Advice About My 23 Month Old Son

L.E. asks from Austin

I have a 23 month old son, turning 2 in April, Who hasn't started talking yet. He babbles alot and says things, but not Words. He's very affectionate and funny. He lo...


Visiting Girlfriend's Parents

S.P. asks from Minneapolis

Some background first: My daughter's father and I have been apart for 8 of our daughter's 8.5 years. He currently lives with his long-time girlfriend and her son. ...


Sweet or 9Yo Son Has a Girlfriend!

K.S. asks from San Francisco

I've met her, she's very sweet and polite and cute as a button. It's not a relationship as an adult would have one, they just enjoy each others company and except for...


Help with My 16 Month Old!

C.S. asks from Seattle

I am concerned that my daughter is 16 months old and isn't walking. She started crawling a day before her 1st birthday and even then it's like a froggy scoot thing. H...


18 Year Old Daughter Wants to Move in with Boyfriend

T.E. asks from Los Angeles

Help, my daughter who just turned 18, working and going to college wants to move in with her boyfriend. The boyfriend lives with mom at the grandparents house. I tel...


Should We Still Pay for 20 Year Olds College If He Moves in with Girlfriend?

K.K. asks from Nashville

My husband and I have saved and sacrificed to finance both our two sons college educations.We have been honest with them that need to earn the education by being resp...


My Daughter's Boyfriend

T.F. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is a senior in high school. Honors student, varsity swim and has lots of great friends, boys & girls. Through her first 3 years of high school she complai...


Need Advise on How to Get Child Used to Living with My Boyfriend.

C.A. asks from Dallas

When I entered my request, I never asked for any of your judgement. I have devoted the first five years of my daughter's life to just her. I believe that she deserves...


What to Do About Boyfriend

T.S. asks from New York

I have a situation. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years. We have a 15 month old little girl. Last weekend I kicked my BF out of our apartment becuase ...


14 Month Old Soaking Through Diapers at Night

K.T. asks from Seattle

My 14 month old son has recently (in the past week or 2 weeks) started soaking through his diaper at night. We put him down at 6:15pm and he sleeps until about 6:30a...