My two year old daughter has pebble like bowel movements. Aside from being hard to clean, I am sure it can't be comfortable for her. She struggled as an infant and re...
My 7 yr old grandson will not sit on the seat to poop. He strips down to nothing, lifts the seat and hovers, sometimes for an hour, trying to poop. I feel sooooo bad ...
My daughter's pediatritian recommended I give her metumucil, benefiber or citracal. She is nine, so I would love one that tasted good or didn't have any taste at all...
My baby boy is 7 1/2 months old, primarily breastfed who has a bowel movement once a week if we're lucky. He doesn't seem bothered by it until about a week goes by a...
ok so i have a son who will be 5 in march and he's been FULLY potty trained for over 2 years - lately however he's been pooping in his pants - daily!! and often times...
Okay I cannot beleive I am going to talk poop, but here it goes. I have never ever pooped every day, sometimes I will go 5 days without going. This has always just be...
My son just turned three and we're working on potty training. So far he's doing pretty good with peeing. Pooping is another issue though. He holds it in to the poi...
I am having trouble with my 5 year old. He is a wonderful son however lately he has been soiling his underwear, it happens everyday. When I ask him why he didn't go t...
My five yr old son will not use the bathroom, well he will urinate in the bathroom but nothing else.We've done the potty chart with stickers,potty prizes,game time br...
My son is 5 1/2 years old. He only has a BM maybe once a week. He holds it until he just can't anymore. He does have accidents from time to time. I have enrolled he t...