My daughter is 17 months old and she just started daycare. We have been struggling with a cold for about two weeks now. She had gotten better for a few days than it c...
I know I am very limited as to what I can take medicine-wise, so can you ladies PLEASE share some tried and true methods for relieving cold symptoms when you can't ta...
I was wondering how I should handle or what to expect with traveling with my 19 month old son with a cold. Will he be in allot of pain? I was just wondering if any ...
16 weeks pregnant, have a terrible head cold runny nose , on my list of safe medications while pregnant, Benadryl is on it, is Benadryl Allergy diphenhydramine hci th...
I currently have a cold and a one month old. I also breasfeed so i know that i can't take any medication. I am kinda nervous because i dont want him to get it. the d...
My baby girl is almost 1 March 22. I had a sore thoart last couple days and last night started stuffy nose and itchy thoart. My daughter got something from me, she ha...
Hi all. My little girl will be 2 years old in a couple of weeks. She has got a cold in January, Feb, we skipped march, April and currently she has one. First 3 colds... I'm now 2 weeks away from my scheduled c-section and I've been trying to get rid of a cold for over a month now with no success. I'm hoping that someone mig...
Back in November, I got a cold. Pretty straight forward, nothing serious but just your typical cold (stuffy nose, sneezing, sinus pressure, sore throat etc..). After ...
My little boy is 6 years old. He is a only child, plays at the park, and with his cousins, so he is around other kids, but not like most kids. Last year in Kinderga...