Childhood Illnesses: Toddler, Steroids

Results 21-30 from 295 articles

11 Month Old Prescribed Pulmicort

L.C. asks from Athens

My 11 month son who wheezes from time to time had a recheck on his ear infection today. Well he was wheezing today and the doctor prescribed Pulmicort to use in his ...


9 Month Old with a Cold and Cough

N.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. I have a 9 1/2 month old baby boy who has had a cough now for a couple of weeks and has just started with a stuffed up nose. At his last check up, the doctor di...


Almost 5 Month Old on Zyrtec and Pulmicort

A.M. asks from Savannah

My baby is normally a happy child. She has been wheezing a bit so they put her on both meds. I guess it is just the season, I had to hit my own inhaler yesterday. ...


Soon to Be 6 Month Old Is Wheezing

A.M. asks from Phoenix

My son will be 6 months old on Feb 6th. He got a bad cold while in day care about 2 1/2 months ago and has not seemed to be the same since. We have gone to the doctor...


My 3 Month Olds Horrible Cough : (

A.J. asks from Killeen

hey i found a home remedy for phlemy cough. my 3 month old had a bad cough and i gave her eucalyptus leave tea. i mixed with with some chamomile and it worked wonders...


Breathing Issues with My 2 Year Old

H.W. asks from Atlanta

My son just turned 2 and we are having major breathing issues. When he was 4 months old, we were told he had a mild case of RSV. After that he has had bronchiolitis...


Any Other Options You Have Tried for a Toddler's Very Severe Asthma?

A.K. asks from Norfolk

I am writing this in hopes to have any and all suggestions and personal experiences sent my way! My little guy who is now 3 years old has been battling asthma/allerg...


2 Month Old Possibly Has Asthma What to Know & Expect?

S.2. asks from Bakersfield

Hello moms, My LO just got a regular cough.I took her to the dr. he gave her albuterol drops and said she could have asthma but we have to see. In my mind she has a...


Unusual Rash on My 2 Year Old

J.S. asks from Panama City

Two days ago my son woke up with a few small red patches on his back. Later that day we noticed when he took off his shirt that it had spread all over his stomach and...


Should Host of Parent/child Get-together Inform Guests That Child Has a Cold?

H.L. asks from Washington DC

I've been to group play-dates with my 1.5 yr old where the host's child clearly had a cold. Had I known on each occasion, I would've gladly taken a rain check. A few ...