Carriers & Slings: Infant, Playtex

Results 1-10 from 181 articles


N.D. asks from Chicago

My 13 month old daughter is going through separation anxiety and likes to be carried at times, esp when we go out. She weighs about 22-23 pounds. I've seen the Play...


Which baby carrier is best for me?

C.S. asks from Boston

I am having my 3rd child in a couple of months and am wondering if I should get a new baby carrier. With my other two kids I used the Bjorn for occasional outings bu...


What's the Best Baby Carrier?

L.S. asks from Austin

I want to buy a type of pouch baby carrier, but I am not sure if it really does the job. Looking for something comfortable for me and the baby and easy to put on. C...


Best Infant Sling for Short Moms

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

I'm about to have my second baby any day and am looking for a recommendation on the best sling or wrap-type carrier (not a basic Baby Bjorn-type front carrier) to use...


Baby Carrier

K.R. asks from New York

i have the Baby Bjorn now and I am looking for another carrier (my 8.5 month old baby is getting too big). Does anyone have the lillebaby or the ergo? Which is bett...


What's Your Favorite Baby Sling and Why?

A.R. asks from New York

I'm researching baby slings for my second baby and am interested in your experiences with them, particularly the Baby K'tan, the Maya, and the Moby. With my first son...


Breastfeeding Using a Sling with Large Breasts

R.R. asks from Seattle

Hi Ladies! I'm interested in hearing from moms (especially large-breasted women) who have used slings and used them for breastfeeding. I'm expecting my second child...


What Is Your Favorite Baby Carrier?

C.S. asks from Medford

I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and used several different slings and a baby bjorn with my first two. The slings were good for sitting and working on my computer (and b...


Comfortable Front Carrier as Baby Grows (16 Lbs Now)

I.S. asks from Chicago

my baby girl is almost 8 months old and is just shy of 16 pounds. since she is smaller than average, i have been able to easily carry her in the baby bjorn front car...


Baby Carrier for Travel and C-section Recovery

S.B. asks from Seattle

Hi ladies, In 4 weeks I will be travelling alone with my 2 boys ages 3 and will be 13 weeks. I plan to use our double stroller for getting around, but would also ...