Bowel Movements: Toddler, Pampers

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29 answers

7 Month Old and Bowel Movements

I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem. My 7 month old son has a bowel movement usually every other day, but they are EXPLOSIVE! Today he had two really messy explosions that required baths to clean him up. I'm growing tired of always having to wash poop out of his clothes, changing table covers, and not to mention him and myself. He recently has started eating some solids (not very much). We took him off the solids for a while to see if that would help, but it is the same. He is also solely breastfed. I don't know how much...


Changes to Pampers

As anyone noticed that the Pampers Baby Dry pampers have changed. I hate...


HATE New Pampers...

Ok, so since my son was born, I've been using Pampers and have loved them!!...

Traces of Blood

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37 answers

Pampers Diaper Exploded!

When I changed my sons diaper this morning after him wearing it for 10 hrs overnight, I found that it had exploded ALL over him. All those gel crystals everywhere--yuk! So I have two there any harmful effect from the diaper insides for skin or ingested? And we use bum genuis cloth diapers during the day and my son sleeps so long at night they get full and leak by the time he wakes up in the morning so that's why I've been using disposables so I need a solution for that. I don't think I want to use disposables anymore-...


Bad Diaper Rash

Hello, My daughter woke up this morning with a really bad diaper rash...I...


Severe Diaper Rash

my daughter is 2weeks old; she has a severe diaper rash...we have tried...