My baby has bad gas problems. He cries and criches when I feed him,and passes gas a lot. I have been pumping mylicon since twoo wks old and now gripe water. Does this...
How long does breastmilk remain good frozen? Depending on the source, I've read 4 months, 6 months, even more. My milk supply is in a deep freezer, in Lansinoh bags. ...
The date night question got me thinking!
We went out to dinner last night, and ordered some chips and salsa. I like the curled and folded chips, because I'm weird...
My 4 month old daughter is too used to the breast and will not feed from the bottle. When we try and give it to her, she fusses, screams and cries until we give her ...
I have a 7 week old baby girl. She has been extremely gassy and fussy since she was born. She was 3 weeks early and since she wasn't breastfeeding strong, I had a har...
Your period, I mean. I was just thinking about it... a box of tampons is about $10, pads $8, cups $8, liners $3... OMG!! Let's round down, say it cost about $20 per m...
My 7 month old is teething, and just a drooling machine....I can't believe a baby can have so much water in them! at first his cheeks just seemed dry, now it has beco...
Hope it's ok that I have two questions together, but they are related. In the last few days, my four-week-old has started to get fussy during and/or after nursing se...
I need some advice... Yesterday was my little girls 15 mth wellness check- her pediatrician labeled her "as speech delayed with cronic fluid in her ears"... he said h...
my daughter is 3 weeks old and has been really fussy latley. when im trying to feed her [formula] she starts to eat and then becomes extreamly fussy and arches her ba...