I don't know about wii but my husband goes to Zumba classes and he has lost weight. He only goes once a week, but it is a really intense workout!
I was wondering if anyone has tried the Zumba for your wii. If so have you lost any weight or toned up with it? My daguhter goes back to school to morrow. Im wanting to try it. Im wondering if this is good work out. has anyone lost weight just doing this? if you have it. Would you like to track your weight with me. Just to get me motivated? I hate to excerise. Maybe if it ws like a race I'd workotu more.
I started it this morning. I did about 6 songs. and I wore out. Will see if I lost any weight. But I sure was sweating. I have did tae bo a long time a go. the tapes I have is vhs and we dont have vhs anymore. But I will try this for a month and see if I like it.
I don't know about wii but my husband goes to Zumba classes and he has lost weight. He only goes once a week, but it is a really intense workout!
I have it for the 360 and it's great fun and works my butt off. I haven't lost weight yet because I haven't done it very long.
I don't have the Zumba Wii but my daughter got the Just Dance 3 Wii game for Christmas. Talk about a workout! If you like to dance, its fun music and it will get you moving. The kids LOVE it too!
I have zumba on wii and it's a great cardio work out. Cardio is great but if your trying to lose weight than this is not the way to go. In the past I have used the Tae Bo DVDs by Billy Blanks. He gives great work outs, very encouraging and most of all fun! He doesn't tell you to keep pushing, he says if your out of breath than just walk it out. When I used the VHS video back in the day, I was losing 2lbs a week. I just started back on last week and about to get my work out on right now. Just dance is also a great cardio work out. Those games on wii are intense, but again, great for cardio. I truly recommend Tae Bo, it works your muscles and burns fat and gets your cardio going as well. They have some DVDs at target for $10. Good luck and stay healthy!
I don't have a game system, but Zumba is an excellent cardio workout. Several people have told me how they have been doing a Zumba workout and have lost weight. If the instruction is simple to follow you should have a lot of fun.