Your Opinions About This Weekend's Menu

Updated on June 29, 2011
S.G. asks from Fort Eustis, VA
19 answers

Hi moms,
We are having family over this Saturday and having (for us, anyway) a big to-do. IF my mom comes (she's got health problems and may have to bail at the last minute) it will be 10 adults and three kids (ages 2,3, and 5). No food allergies but the two sisters-in-law, the brother-in-law, and the mother-in-law don't care for seafood. What do you think of this proposed menu? Opinions and ideas are greatly appreciated!
crostini with bruschetta
deviled eggs (mother-in-law is bringing these, not really my idea)

main dishes:
pork bbq
hamburger sliders
hot dogs (on reserve if anyone requests them)

baked beans
pasta salad
grilled marinated vegetables (probably squash and mushrooms)

whatever my mother-in-law brings
ice pops for the kids if they want them

Looking at it, it does look like a LOT of food, doesn't it?:) We get to host so rarely (my mother-in-law fancies herself the matriarch and primary entertainer in the family) that when we do, we like to make it count! And I'm pretty sure most of this stuff (except for the grilling which is my husbands department) can be done ahead of time.

What do you think?

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So What Happened?

Tracy K: I totally agree about the crostini/bruschetta. It doesn't really "fit." The only problem is that we LOVE it! The bruschetta actually comes from Costco and it's highly addictive. Thanks for your help!

Featured Answers


answers from Albany on

Sounds awesome, what time should we be there? I'll bring some Red Sangria!


(Wait! No chicken?! psh)

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answers from Washington DC on

Maybe some chips those who don't like beans and slaw.

Don't forget the condiments for the sliders/hot dogs
Mustard, relish, ketchup, extra BBQ sauce

Juice boxes for the kids

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Sounds yummy! I might add more veggies or a big green salad...but we're salad eaters!

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answers from Portland on

As long as you don't have any vegetarians in the group, it looks great!:)

All the food is appropriately matched, too. You have American Picnic Fare at it's best.

And actually, the only suggestion I would make is to offer a more kid-friendly relish tray before the meal. Olives, pickles, carrot sticks, etc. Most little kiddos aren't usually clamoring for bruschetta (although I'd be camped out next to it) at events, from what I've seen with my large family.

Have fun... and I hope your MIL knows how much you care, because that's a great spread.

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answers from St. Louis on

Possibly chicken for those non meat lovers? You know your family better than us regarding their preference there.

How about some more finger foods for the entire day snacking? Chips and dip, veggies and dip, etc? Finger foods go over well for before and after the actual meal.

What time should we all head over? =)

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answers from St. Louis on

When do you want me over?

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answers from Jacksonville on

Sounds great to me...What time should I be there?.....LOL! :)

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answers from Lynchburg on


All sounds yummy to me!

***looking on map quest to see how far ft monroe is**


Have fun...and enjoy!

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answers from Dallas on

only suggestion I would make is that the appetizer feels disconnected from the rest of the meal. Your menu being bbq, coleslaw, beans, and watermelon ...the deviled eggs are actually a perfect fit. Instead of crostini, I would do something that goes with the rest of the meal.

Texas Caviar
7 layer dip
fried pickles

or just leave it at deviled eggs. have one sil bring the coleslaw. have other sil bring the beans. lighten your load and delegate.

i love crositni and i love costco! I will definately give it a try

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answers from Dallas on

Looks like you have your bases covered!! Good job and have fun!

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answers from New York on

Looks great! You could also put out some chips and hummus as people are arriving. You can make it or buy it premade and it's a nice and easy option for appetizers as well!

Deviled eggs are always the first apps to be consumed!

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answers from Savannah on

It sounds great. I agree that deviled eggs go perfectly with the rest, it's sort of tradition. Sounds similar to mine. :) What to drink? Something summery? (I like to serve strawberry lemonade or peach iced tea?)

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answers from Boston on

Great job! That actually looks very close to one of my go-to summer menus. I do the pork in a crockpot (starting it the night before) and my favorite coleslaw is super-easy - 2 bags of fresh express coleslaw mix (usually California and traditional for more color and variety) and Marie's coleslaw dressing. The dressing is sweet and zesty and you can control how "wet" you want the slaw. So good - I want some now lol!

Looks so yummy - have fun!

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answers from Jackson on

Looks good but boy you got a bunch of work to do. I might suggest a casserole that you make ahead of time and pop in the oven. But sounds like a good menu whatever you deside. Hey and a little left over for dinner the next week sounds good.

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answers from St. Cloud on

Sounds about right...... Although I always tend to have a big amount of food and choices as well. I'd go with your menu!

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answers from Chicago on

Yum! Make as much ahead of time so you can enjoy the party, too!

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answers from Pittsburgh on

I agree with the PP on the crostini-while it is delish it kind of doesn't match the meal. EVerything else looks perfect.

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answers from Richmond on

Better to have too much than not enough. I have always planned out fairly massive menus even when just a few people are coming! If you end up with loads of leftovers, ask people if they would like to take anything home. You can also freeze a lot of it. The only thing I would add is maybe a sweet treat - cupcakes or something just in case the MILs thing isn't what you have in mind. Otherwise, it sure sounds delicious!

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answers from Harrisburg on

can we come over too :-)

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