I just switched off of Yaz b/c of horrible side effects. I origianlly started taking it to control my major mood swings, but it seemed to make them worse. I was told by my new OB that Yaz actually has a large dose of progesterine and people have either done really well with it or have had very bad expiuerence with it (like me)
After 3 mo. on it, I started noticing a pattern and I could actually feel my emotions starteing to go out of control. My husband noticed as well. I also started losing some hair b/c of the hormone level.My sex drive was also halted.
If you think about it, YAZ was designed to help balance hormoned for women who have PMDD, so it is actually giving you more hormones in your body. My OB said that there is a large percentage of women that she has seen that do not take to it well.
I have since switched to MERICETE and that is the lowest dose of hormones possible. It is WONDERFUL! no side effects and I didn't even get sick the first time taking it.
Good luck and I hope this helps!
PS- I saw that you had posted about losing weight for a cruise....how is that going? did anything help? I have found that since having my 2nd baby I dont have time to sit down and eat, so I am muching all through the day on little healthy snacks and that has really boosted my matabolism and I have started to lose a decent amount of weight.
Good luck!