Why Do Babies/kids Hold Their Breath When Upset?

Updated on April 13, 2011
L.P. asks from Uniontown, PA
5 answers

I am posting this question for my cousin who has a 10 month old baby boy who is a breath holder...

My cousin says (and I've seen it) that her son will hold his breath when he's really upset or angry. Last night, he fell hit and his mouth on a baby gate... it wasn't a horrible injury or anything, no blood or anything... but he got upset and started crying... his father immediately picked him up and held him, but he was already so upset, he held his breath until his lips were turning purple, his eyes were rolling back in his head... my cousin was frantically telling her husband to blow in his face so he'll take a breath... I guess they've discovered that when he does this, if you blow in his face, it snaps him out of his breath-holding... so he did, and finally, her son took a breath...

I was babysitting this little boy once recently for a hour or so, and he did the same thing... he fell backwards from a sitting position onto the floor and hit head on the plushly carpeted floor - again, no injury whatsoever, he just got really mad, and took in a deep crying breath, and DID NOT let it out for what seemed like an eternity, by which time, his face was turning purple.

Why do some kids do this? Is this a big problem to be concerned about? How do you stop it? Will kids actually hold their breath until they pass out? Is this a health related issue, as in, is there some medical reason some kids hold their breath? Or is this purely behavioral?

Thanks for any input you can share.

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More Answers


answers from Richmond on

Why do they? To give us heart attacks and gray hairs ;)

My 5 year old was and my 15 month old is, a breath holder. It freaks my fiance out but I've seen it so many times that I think it's kind of funny. 'Aaaand, BREATHE!!' I know the exact shade of blue they turn before breathing. I also know that if they DON'T, they pass out and their little bodies simply reset themselves. My little brother used to hold his breath until he passed out! (Probably lost a lot of brain cells doing that, and it explains why he is the way he is now, LOL!!)

I think I also make light of it because I'm very confident in my CPR and the call response time for the paramedics in my area ;)

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answers from Provo on

My youngest son did this and I am a pretty easy going person so he never got a reaction from me and quit. The only thing that you should really be concerned about is the baby's tongue covering his airway when he passes out. My little guy was doing his little breath holding act, his lips were purple and everything, his dad put him on a soft bed and his tongue went and covered up his airway. He started having mini convulsions. I usually let him lay on the hard floor and throw his fit.

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answers from Dallas on

My daughter did this type of thing when she was 2. They looked like seizures! We were never positive if she was having seizures or what because to me it looked like she was breathing. Scared the you know what out of me! SHe did it a total of 5 times that year and never did it again.

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answers from Allentown on

Hi, L.:

The child needs evaluation from his ped. If it is happening this often,
it really needs to be addressed with a Doc.
Good luck.

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answers from Albuquerque on

It's physiological... something they actually can't help. Some kids are more prone to it. And yes - isn't it just awful? My twin daughters both do this, still, at almost 4 years old. It's not often... but whenever it happens I have a mini heart attack all over again.

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