I was ten weeks along with my third one and felt that quickening/butterfly feeling before I realized I was pregnant. Due to very large life stressers (second grandmother to be buried in less then 6 months and family fights regarding the will/estate, hubby finishing his BA, #1 in preschool, in the weaning process with #2, hubby and #1 involved in minor car accident, End of year holidays/festivites, ectect.) I hadn't given thought about my periods until that day, I've always been more or less regular. When I felt him move the next night, I really couldn't remember when I had had a period.
So really my first "symptom" was this tiny little flutter at 10 weeks along. Completely unlike my first two. But each pregnancy got easier with less symptoms. Pretty morning sick w/#1, less sick with #2, ect. In fact I remember having been with my dad and weighted myself on a fluke (pants were tight!, lol) and shocked to realized I had gained nearly 10pounds - that was about a month before I realized that I was pregnant, but both of my previous pregnancies I had lost 5-10 pounds early in the pregnancy due to being morning sick! (Of course not realizing I was pregnant at the time I went and purposely lost the weight, opps!)
And yes I could feel him at 10 weeks... At 14 weeks I had to have a lvl 2 ultrasound (guessed wrong on the dates and the blood tests came back positive for downs syndrome) and I could not only feel him "jump" but we got to see the movement on the screen too! But then I had felt the previous two babies pretty early on as well - #1 was felt at 17 weeks, #2 felt at 14 weeks.
best wishes to you!