Make it easy for yourself! Having baby number two is hard to juggle. Unless you have a maid service and family members who will do all the cooking i would highly recommend doing a destination party. I have a small house and both my kids have winter birthdays, i work full-time (without maid service ha) so we do out-of-house parties! I have found when the kids are younger you have all the parents to entertain and feed as well. My daughter's second birthday party is in a couple weeks and we are having a monkey party at "elite sports complex" in Downers Grove for an hour of "monkeying around", tumbling, obstacle course, ball pit etc, followed by using their party room for cost-co deli trays and cake -easy! In the past for my four year old son we had his second at "the Kohl childrens museum" well worth the drive - and a lot cheaper to host than the DuPage museum. Also this year we had a frog themed party at "Pump it Up" in Lisle for my son's fourth. It is an awesome place if you have alot of children of various ages. Pair it up with a fun theme and you have a great time and no house to clean at the end!
Have fun!