No, but what a lovely idea... I haven't given it a ton of thought, but a shadow box with the items and the poem in the background comes to mind...
Everytime I do the laundry, I carefully check the pockets of my two boys' pants/shorts. I've been saving lots of the items in a jar in the laundry room hoping I could think of something creative to do with them. What about you? Anybody ever done something fun with the broken toothpicks, money, broken toy parts, etc. from your sons' pockets?
Thanks so much for your ideas...I love them all! Some of your comments just made me smile or cracked me up! ;) Not for sure exactly what I will do with the items yet, but I especially loved the idea of giving it to the boys as a wedding present. That I will do! Hope some of you do, too.
No, but what a lovely idea... I haven't given it a ton of thought, but a shadow box with the items and the poem in the background comes to mind...
That's a really cute idea! I might just save it and give it to them for a wedding present or birth of their first child, something like that.
Dear God, with the amount of "coins" that my son collects in his pockets, we might have enough to send him to college!
This is too funny! I would love to hear from other moms, because I am simply not the creative type. The only thing I can think of is some sort of collage. I usually end up taking the stuff upstairs and scolding the boys for not emptying their pockets like I asked! Good for you for being so not mad about it! I am going to try this! Although, my husband will then start scolding me - he already says I keep too much of the kids' stuff as it is!
That is a GREAT idea! I'd take the jar of stuff to a professional framer & let them do a framed & matted shadow box. How cute would THAT be?
A shadow box like the other lady suggested, or they also have those mosaic pathway stone kits - I think they come with pieces you put into them, but perhaps you could collect enough stuff to do one of them. I've seen them at craft stores. Such a cute idea - I have an almost 4 year old so those days will be just around the corner.
I will definitly start a collection jar too. Except I'm gonna have to start one for my hubby too, maybe I'll give him his on his 75th Birthday years from now?(lol)
This is an awesome idea!!!! Love the shadow box idea, and giving it as a wedding or baby gift :) My son is only 4 so he doesn't put stuff in his pockets much yet. However I will def. have a collection jar ready for when he does :)
If I did this I would have enough rocks to fill a large jar every week. It's crazy the amount of rocks I throw out! :)
You could get a two peices of pexi-glass(sp) cut into the shape of their first initial, plus edge peices then adhere them all together and then it to a peice of wood for the base to make a "bank" use this as a book end and add to it as you gather their "collections". Who knows you may even be able to spell out their whole names.
Happy Collecting!
Wow, I never thought of doing something like that--very cool! One thought crossed my mind. How about making a big shadow box with a picture of your boys in it with all the little items surrounding them? You can use the title you used here as a caption! I can't wait to hear what you decide to do!