We activated a phone for my daughter when she was 6. It was my husband's old phone and she had it ONLY when she was going into dance locations where we were not allowed to be with her. One of their practice venues charged per person, so only room moms, sstudents, and teachers were allowed in. I didn't like that...so we invested the $10 a month for that phone. It also served as the "house" phone since we no longer had a landline at that point.
Now she is 9, and we only recently, as in October, activated another older phone of ours...only difference is it is a touch screen. She has asked for an iphone, and the only way I will ever get any of my kids a data phone is when they can pay the monthly fee. If they choose to pay it, fine by me. However, their savings account money is not to be used for that, so they will have to be at least 14 when they can have a job.
The rules we have on my daughter's phone:
- it's not HERS, as in nothing is private - we will view any and all text messages at any time
- she may not add any phone numbers in to her phone without our permission
- she may not answer or make calls to any number that we have not authroized to be in her phone
- she does NOT take her phone out of the house unless we have told her to (not to school)
- she is responsible for the phone. If it goes missing, she is out of luck and we will not replace it until she drives.
She really doesn't use it often at all, never has. My 7 year old is asking for a phone now too. When he starts having a need for one, I will gladly add a phone for him. Until that time, he can use our phones because he is with us all the time except for school.
My kids also all have ipod touches (well, the 7 and 5 year old are getting them for Christmas). We activate the text feature on that and they can text us from those or their Kindle Fires.