I started having this a while ago and eventually after a year or so of it, on and off, I started to get pain in my foot and when I could barely put my right foot down to walk I finally went to the podiatrist. Turns out I had plantar fasciatus (spelling?) and the pain is the aftermath of the damage. So I was told I've basically "overused" my foot, lol, but mainly I walk barefoot in my home too much and we have hardwood flooring but the culprit (I think) is the tile. So a bulky night brace, indoor slippers with arch support, special inserts for shoes and eventually new sneakers designed for anti-pronation are all that I've been using, as well as ice and heat. Once I started using the she insert and house slippers my big toe was even more numb, drove me crazy, and the numbness started to rise up my calf and into the thigh, on the back side, and I freaked out and called the doctor. He said my new inserts, shoes and night brace are most likely shifting things around and my body had to get used to the change so it wasn't surprising that the toe felt number than usual and the effect was going up my leg. Well, after only one day the leg numbness went away and about a week and a half later the toe has gotten less bumb, but not gone all thogether. I've decided to give physical therapy a try, that's the next step according to the podiatrist, because they did such a great job with my shoulders that I'm sure they will really help with the foot. But like I said, plantar fasciatus may be the culprit as nerves are being knotted up with the "flattening" of the foot because it's almsot as if your arch is slowly going flat. If you have other symptoms, pain in the leg, cold toes that sounds like heart issues. Either way, if you have what I have or something else, you should really go to the doc. I wish I had gone when the pain in my foot was just starting because it got to the point where I couldn't even hop one my toes anymore because my entier foot hurt like there was no tomorrow. Don't wait untill it starts to hurt, if it's plantar fasciatus talk to your doc, I got an x-ray finally, and they can see what's going on and then you can get referred to a podiatrist. As you can see from the other posts, it can be one of a whole host of things so that is why you must get checked out to find out what it might be.