Mama, just the fact that you can admit that you are not sure is a good enough sign for me to see that you are not ready. I'm on baby # 4 right now. She's nursing at this very moment as I type this. I had no issues with baby 1; nursed baby 2 until she was three and a half years old. My heart was broken when I couldn't nurse my third baby because he, like your baby, had a weak suck and I lost my milk supply. Baby number 4 came along, (quite the surprise!) and I had issues with her (weak suck again) but had the experience and insight from baby #3 to get help right away. She's still nursing, I still have milk and I will and intend to nurse for as long as I can and as long as she wants it and I pray she doesn't wean before I am not prepared.
My first born self weaned at 19 months. I was sad but eventually got over it. With my second child, I was asked by friends, family, and strangers and the ped when I intended to wean her. When she was still nursing past her second birthday, I was "guilted" into weaning her. I attempted but after a few days of me crying and my baby crying for me, I resumed breastfeeding and continued nursing her and shrugged off every negative comment and smirk from everyone who seemed to have an opinion...that was truly none of their business. My breastfeeding relationship was between me and my baby. I began the weaning process once I became pregnant with my third child and I only weaned my daughter because my breasts became very painfully sensitive during pregnancy. I was 2 months preg with my third child when I weaned my second child. Again, she was 3 1/2 years old. Had it not been for the pain, I would have joyfully nursed her, especially had I known that I was unable to to nurse my third child. Now, God has blessed me with another baby and I love breast feeding her. If I'm lucky to nurse her past her second or even past her third birthday, I will embrace it with all my heart. They don't breastfeed forever.
And for your husband wanting to stop nursing, I personally believe he wants you to stop for his own selfish reasons. ; )