You really struck a nerve in me as I am in a similar situation. The original response I wrote rambled on and on but I didn't think it would be very helpful to you so I deleted it. LOL Anyway, I am a SAHM not otherwise employed. I feel that while my husband may be gone from the house between 7:00 and 6:00 he still needs to contribute to household chores. As a member of our family living in our house and contributing to the mess, he needs to do his part to contribute to the daily chores - regardless of his or my employment status. I am not exactly winning this battle at the moment, but I'm not letting it drop either. I've asked him to do simple things like sort his dirty laundry, help clean up after dinner and do anything else for 15 minutes (put laundry away, vacuum the living room, etc). I don't think it is too much to expect a grown adult to spend 15-30 minutes a day cleaning. I love my husband and I appreciate that he provides the money to support us. I know his job can be frustating and even requires him to travel from time to time. I also appreciate things he does things like build a deck in our backyard. But I also do a lot of work throughout the day, my days are often frustrating, I happen to live in the same place where I "work" so I never get to leave my job, and my workday never ends. I also sometimes do things that would normally be tasks he would do (mow the lawn, take garbage to the dump). I feel both partners in a relationship deserve and need down time and each partner should contribute to the daily household maintenance - plain and simple. Don't get me wrong - I love my husban, I love my kids, I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my kids, I don't want my husband to be over-burdened. However there has to be a balance. I think "balance" is different for each couple but it is important to work towards it to reduce stress, to develop stonger bonds, to re-energize.
I don't know if any of this has helped you, but I feel you are not wrong to want down time and to want help from your husband. You've got a lot of responsibility and your husband should help you - he should want to help you. You are his partner, not his employee.