Have you considered that you might be depleted from having just had a baby and breastfeeding? Most of us are depleted just in our normal lives, let alone after the demand of pregnancy, child birth, and nursing. I found supplements helped me a ton during pregnancy and postpartum. I found a brand I really like that is super easy to take and is very high quality. You can private message me or email me if you want more info ____@____.com other thought is to have yourself tested for Celiac Disease. It is an autoimmune disease where your body reacts to gluten (the protein found in wheat, barley, and rye). The result is leaky gut and your body begins to eat away at the villi found in your intestines. You get very malnourished. One common symptom is all over body pain, joint pain, and stiffness, among over 200 other symptoms. Your doctor can test for it with a blood test. If the blood test comes back positive, they usually do an endoscopy to look at your intestines and see what the villi look like to confirm. As far as diseases go, it is pretty easy to treat- you eat a gluten free diet and your body begins to heal over time. I have no idea if this is what is going on with you, but thought I would mention it- many doctors don't test for it unless you ask. I had body pain like what you are describing and it got so bad I had to stop working. I got down to 100 lbs (I'm 5'8") and could barely get out of bed. It was such a blessing when I found out what was going on! I wish you the best.