There are hundreds of strains of HPV and some are not contracted thru sex. Did you know that a form of it is found in cold sores?
HPV popped up on a pap smear I had while pregnant with my son. I had to go every 6 months for a pap and after he was born it disappeared within the 1st year. I have gone in yearly since and 5 years later gave birth to my daughter and still no signs of it and that was 5 years ago. My son is now 10.
My mom flipped when she found out I had this (i was 19 at the time) and blamed my boyfriend, my sons father and now husband. He got tested and came back negative. This is when I found out it could be passed from mother to child with no forms showing any sign.
Not all forms are cancerous so as long as you do what the doctor says and they keep an eye out for the cancer cells you will be fine.