K.---HPV is a virus, which can, in very FEW cases, lead to cervical cancer. HPV usually resolves on its own, however, your friends daughter wants to be sure she is practicing optimal health to help her body clear the virus.
An optimal diet consists of mostly fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes nuts and seeds. Minimize animal protein, as too much leads to degenerative disease such as cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. She will want to be sure to get plenty of sleep, drink mostly filtered water and exercise.
I am taking a series of wellness classes taught by a Naturopath who has her PhD in Nutrition. I can get you numerous articles on HPV, cervical cancer and how the HPV vaccine is maybe not your best choice. It causes lots of side effects, particularly for a 'potential' disease that usually clears up on its own and only 'treats' 3 of over 100 human papilloma viruses. BTW, another subspecies of HPV causes genital warts, but that one does not cause cancer.
If you want any additional info on HPV, the vaccine or how to achieve optimal health, please feel free to contact me. Good luck, try not to worry too much (I had an abnormal pap once a LONG time ago and never a problem since) and be sure to be proactive in protecting your health.
K.---I forgot to suggest this website which talks about the pros and cons of ALL vaccines, www.nvic.org. I can't stress enough that you and your family should study ALL aspects of HPV before making ANY decisions. MOST cases of early HPV resolve themselves. Just be sure that you are giving the body every chance possible to do that...it is the best way.