I would still have her on a light diet, with no dairy until her tummy is back to normal. She may not be over her tummy "bug" yet....
Good luck!
my 2 year old daughter came home after being with her dad for 5 days and vomitted profusily all night and into the next day. She had very little energy or appetite for 2 days then on the 3rd day was back to normal except for now everytime she drinks milk she vomits curdled milk afterwards. Did she suddenly become lactose intolerent?
I would still have her on a light diet, with no dairy until her tummy is back to normal. She may not be over her tummy "bug" yet....
Good luck!
Milk is hard to digest. I would keep her on the BRAT diet for a couple of days longer, and have her drink water or sports drinks to ensure she stays hydrated.
When my daughter is ill, milk always upsets her stomach.
After having a stomach bug it can take a couple of weeks before their little tummies can digest milk. I wouldn't give her any for at least a week before trying it again. It doesn't hurt them to go without milk for a while.
Dairy products are hard on the stomach, so just stop giving her milk for a few more days. It's highly doubtful she suddenly became lactose intolerant, but if you still can't give her milk after a week, I'd talk to your doctor.
It's not the lactose she's sensitive to. The majority of humans don't become lactose intolerant until the natural age of weaning from the breast around age 7, which also corresponds to kids losing their "milk teeth."
More likely, she had a touch of the flu and is still having some residual tummy troubles. You should always avoid dairy products, especially milk, for a week or so after any kind of stomach illness.