I definitely agree -- you just need to remove the bottle and get rid of them. Since she is already drinking water (terrific) and juice from a cup, it won't be long until she drinks the milk. My son was drinking from a cup at about 15 months and handled it by himself. I limit the movement of the cup to the kitchen, unless he is drinking water, since I don't fear a little water getting spilled.
For the "binkie", both my daughter and son used one, but from the beginning I only used it for sleeping. At about about 15 months (or 18, I can't remember exactly), one a weekend, I simply cut the tip off the top of the pacifier. Both would take it, but soon realized it felt different. The next night I would trim a little more off.
For my daughter, it took about 3 days, and I only think I made about 2-3 trims to the tip. By the end she realized it wasn't the same so she didn't seem to want it, or if she took it, it was out of her month during the night. I think I threw them away within a couple days following the weekend, since she didn't really want it, or would hand it back.
My son, was faster since he wasn't really using it during his naps at daycare (so this helped), and I noticed he didn't really keep it in his month when he felt asleep (unlike my daughter). I trimmed it too, just to confirm he was really done with it and threw them away by the end of the weekend.
Neither kid resorted to sucking their thumb (thank goodness) and both got attached to a special blanket that was also kept in the crib/bed for sleeping time only. It could not be out of the bedroom.
good luck