Y P,
My son is 11, and began this whole process half-way through 5th grade last year.... He was the only boy in his class to need deoderant, voice changing, hair, acne, etc...
I have a wonderful husband/father, however, I also have an excellent relationship with my son. So, I chose to have a small "talk" with him myself. My husband had another talk after school was out to keep up with "the guy thing". If your husband isn't "graceful" with this, I would be present, or pre-coach your husband ....I did :o) it went MUCH smoother than it could've.
Anyway, I brought home deoderant, not the spray, and Stridex face pads. I simply told him that as kids grow older, their bodies begin to change a little. I told him he will learn alot of this stuff in school this year (last year-5th gr), but he's starting to grow up now. I also told him that his routine was going to change a little, because he now needed to make sure that he took a shower everyday with a hairwashing, as opposed to every other day. I also told him that he will start to get more "hair" in funny places :o), just ask daddy. I told him it could all feel weird at first, but try to go with it. All your friends will be doing the same thing in 6th grade, too.
Anyway, before the school year was over, he refused to wear shorts, even if it was 104 outside! I never asked, but I know it was because of his hairy legs :o)
When we started swimming this summer, he would walk around with his elbows tightly touching his sides. I guess he afraid that we might see HAIR!!!!!!! Again, I never said anything.
We are nearing toward the end of the summer, and he is finally comfortable again with his body. He's back to walking around in his underwear :o) It only took a year!
Anyway, back to deoderant :o) It's just the beginning. Make your son feel normal. I started hugging more~ yes, even though he didn't hug/kiss back. But, now, he hugs me back, and kisses me goodnight, and last night as I was leaving his room, he said "I love you, mom" :o) So, in the end, we are both winning :o)
Good Luck
:o) N.