In the beginning of my second pregnancy, I too had pain and pressure. I didn't have any idea what it was. I went for an exam, and sure enough I was pregnant and the doctor, through the exam, said he could feel that the pregnancy was tubal. He wasted no time and had me rushed to the hospital (it was a late evening appointment) as a tubal pregnancy can be dangerous. The tube can rupture. Early the next morning, another doctor examined me and confirmed it was ectopic (a tubal pregnancy). They rushed me into surgery.
Lo and behold, it was in fact a cyst that I had on my ovary that was lying on my tube, making it feel that the tube was bulging. I was indeed pregnant, and they simply drained the cyst, and left everything in tact. However, they did not give my pregnancy a very good chance of succeeding as they had gone in there and fiddled around with nature. I did however carry my baby to full term.
Now, granted, this was many decades ago. A tubal pregnancy is nothing to fool around with. These days they have ultrasounds. I'm sure they can scan you to see exactly what is going on. I tubal pregnancy is not something you wait around and see about. You need to insist on finding out what one way or another what exactly is going on. Perhaps by now you already have. Hope all goes well with you.