I just moved my little one into a toddler bed. The first night was perfect. The second night we spent hours putting her back in. Fast forward three weeks, and now most nights it isn't a problem- BUT I rock her almost every night before laying her down. If I don't rock her, she keeps getting up. I don't have to rock her until she is completely asleep, although some nights that happens because she is out in a couple of minutes!!
Also, if she is in her room making noise, we don't mess with her. We only interfere if she comes OUT of the room. If she is in her room though we let her be and she usually goes to sleep within 45 minutes.
We generally put her to bed around 8 pm and she is almost always asleep by 9. I can live with that.
I think the key is to be consistent with your response/routine. Do the same routine every night, and if she gets up, have the same response every time. Eventually she will realize you're doing the same thing every time and it won't be appealing anymore. I found that with her daddy, sometimes he gets mad and sometimes he laughs and kisses her, so she always tries him first... me, I always just put her straight back to bed with no talking no fuss, and I guess that isn't so interesting!