I had it done (after 2 Babies) in 1990. I have had no ill effects. Nor have I had any "Ut-oh, guess what I found out today".... Also, my Sisters & Sisters-in-law also have had no ill effects.
Hi, I'm going to be 32 this year and about to have our 3rd child. My oldest is 9, middle is 18 months, and soon to arrive (in less than 10 days). I work full time outside the house and full time mom of soon to be 3, a husband and a dog! We considered having Tubal ligation as soon as we have our 3rd child. My husband and I agree we do not want anymore children. 3 is perfect for us! I've been trying to research the tubal ligation and what effects it will have on me in a couple years (if any). Can anyone tell me if there is anything I need to worry about? What are the pros and cons of having a tubal ligation, and what about healthwise in the longrun. The internet seems to be a good resource, but I'd rather hear good and bad things from anyone who's actually experienced it (instead of doctors, researchers). Please advise, as my 3rd is soon to arrive and I would like to make up a decision by the time we arrive at the hospital. Thank you so much in advance with your advices.
WOW! Thank you all very much for the great advices!!! I knew I came to the right place to ask this question! Especially from all whom have gone through the procedure, instead of what the doctors and researchers say... Update!! I had baby Jayson on Friday, August 29th! He was 7lbs, 4oz and 20 inches long... (My oldest and my middle met the littlest one and everyone is doing great) Delivery and recovery is going well. Luckily the OR was opened so they were able to schedule me into the room right after I delivered. So far so good and I'm recovering really well! Thanks to everyone once again for the great Advices!!! I think the most pain I can feel right now is from the Epidoral, my back is just killing me... but I'm taking it slow! :)
I had it done (after 2 Babies) in 1990. I have had no ill effects. Nor have I had any "Ut-oh, guess what I found out today".... Also, my Sisters & Sisters-in-law also have had no ill effects.
I have 3 kids, almost 8, 5 and 19 mos. I had my tubal at the time of my last C-Section. So far nothing bad to report. I must say that it is a comfort not having to worry about the birth control and the possibility of another child. 3 is plenty for us as well. I am definitely glad we did it and have no regrets.
I think it was also good to get it done while I was already off work for the maternity leave.
I had a tubal ligation 6 years ago after my third was born. It was during a c-section, so it was very easy to do. I have had no side affects and for me, it is a great peace of mind. Good luck!!
When I was getting ready to have my second child my hubby and I opted for tubal ligation. Due to my age and genetics we found out about with our first, we felt this was the best option for us. I was scheduled for a c section, so the operation was not intrusive as all and recovery was very easy. There have been no side effects as of the past three years and I am very happy that I had it done when I did. If you are by chance scheduled for a c section, I highly recommend getting it done at that time. I know it is a big step and it is irreversible, but if it is the best choice for you, then that is what is most important. Whatever you choose best of luck and congrats on your newest addition!
Hi J.
I had a tubal ligation years ago and I had no issues. Today's technology is a lot better than it was back in the day. They only put two little cuts (one on each side) but since you're already due in less than 10 days, it's easier to have the tubal done right then. Everything done at once. I had no complications and it worked. I wish you the best.
I was in the same position 4 years ago, and I did what the previous poster mentioned. I had a planned c-section and they did the tubal ligation at the same time. We considered my husband having a vasectomy, but insurance only paid for a part of it. Our insurance fully covered the tubal because by the time I would realistically have the "next one" I would be considerd "advanced maternal age"! LOL I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't so funny then. The recovery was not so bad, I was recovering from a c-section anyway. I do have ocassional cramping during ovulation and during my periods in the vacity that I didn't have before, but that is really about it. I don't regret it at all. My husband and I are both one of three, and our three are the perfect number for us too!
I got it done during the delivery of my last baby. (c section.)
It has only been one year since i had her- but the things I have noticed are that it DID hurt more the first day/second day of delivery- the pain was a bit worse (but it could also be that I was not able to do an epidural like the first time.)
the first 6 or so periods i got were heavier too but I only have one year of it under my belt. I turned 37 last week.
I had mine 2 years ago. It was a simple insition through my belly button and one just above your pubic hairline. I had discomfort for about a week and it was done about 8 weeks after my vaginal birth. Its wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am 38 years old and had a tubal almost 9 years ago. I had mine a couple of months after my son was born (insurance issues)and have never had a problem. In my case, it was done through laparoscopy and I have a 2 small scars. I never had a problem with the incisions either. I hope this helps.
WE are in the same boat. I am expecting my fourth and we will ahve two boys nad two girls after this one has arrived. We are also going to use permanent sterilization becuase the diaphram/condom method fell through with this last wee.
Anyway. I am completely against tubal unless I have to opened up for an emergency c-section anyway. I refuse to have major surgery when a vasectomy is an out-patient procedure.
The risks associated withthe two make it an easy choice for my husband and I. He is the one that is so strongly against me going under the knife.
I will have to be recouperating from birth for 6 weeks from, 8 if I get a tubal...it is a much shorter recoup with a vasectomy. The risk of mishap are smaller, the vas defrens are close to the surface in a man and a doctor litterally preforms the procedure in less than thirty minutes.
Here is a great site:
How effective is vasectomy in preventing pregnancy?
Vasectomy may be the safest, most effective kind of birth control. Only about 15 out of 10,000 couples get pregnant the first year after a vasectomy.
What can I expect after the operation?
Right after the operation, your doctor will have you lie down for a couple of hours with an ice pack placed on your scrotum. You may have some bruising in the area of the surgery. The bruises should slowly lighten and be gone in about 2 weeks. You should feel back to normal within a couple of weeks.
PLus it is much cheaper.
If you're having a planned c-section and are positive you and your husband don't want any more children, you might as well let the dr. do it while he's in there. That way you're already in the hospital with lots of help handling a newborn. If it's something you would have to do at a later date, I personally would opt for hubby to get a vasectomy since that method is less invasive and recovery is much quicker. I know that they can do tubals laproscopically, but it is still considered more of a surgery than a vasectomy and you don't know if you're going to be one of the lucky ones who feels great the next day or like my friend, who was down and out for a week. And with 3 kids to take care of, one being a newborn and one being an active (I'm sure) toddler, I wouldn't want to risk being out of commission for long. Plus, you've already done your share, ha ha. Let hubby take one for the team. ;o)
Good luck with deciding and best wishes on the outcome!
I had one after my 2nd child who will be 9 next month. Tubal ligation can now be done micro scopicly and they go in threw your belly button. If planned ahead of delivery with your Ob/Gyn it can be schedualed for the same or next day depending on when you deliver or if you have a C section it can be done at the same time.
Only Con I had with the procedure was I had my daughter late in the day and they had to push mine back into the next day. The left the epi shunt in so they could just inject more meds to do the procedure, however it slipped during the night and they ended up putting me under at the last moment. Not a big deal and everything when fine.
Pro - if you have it planned with delivery, you get to stay in the hospital an extra few days as it is considered a seperate procedure, unlike delivery where they typically have you home in 24 hrs if it's a normal vaginal birth
Hi, J..
If you are considering a tubal ligation, I would urge to ask your husband to get a vastecomy (sp?). The time for the procedure, healing and side effects is MUCH, MUCH less significant than it would be for you to get a tubal ligation.
Best of luck to you.
Unless your planning on a C-section a tubal is surgery and why not have your husband consider a vasectomy?
I have to say that I had a Tubal ligation in December after my second child and it was the best thing I every did. My husband and I discussed it thoroughly and decided that we were done having kids and this would be the easiest choice since I was having a C-section. After I first had it done I had a few weepy times were I wondered if I made the right choice but I accredit that to me being hormonal. I just recently went to the OB/GYN for my yearly and he asked how the baby is doing and I said fantastic and he wanted to know when I was having another. I said I think we took care of that when I had my C-section. He said well the doctor that did the tubal cut and tied and that they could easily go back in and reattach. I said a very strong NO WAY, I am very happy and done being pregnant. I've had no complications and don't miss having to worry about birth control. Good luck and I am sure you'll make the right choice for you.
I had my third a year and a half ago, am now 36 and, like you, knew 3 was my perfect number. I opted for the tubal ligation and so far my only side effect is more cramping for the first day, maybe two of my period. Otherwise, no complications whatsoever. I did have a c-section birth, so it made sense to go ahead with the tubal ligation since the doctor had to open me up anyway. Hope this helps.
Hello J.,
I am a 33 yr old mother of 2. 8yr old daughter and almost 13yr old son. I had a tubal a couple of months after the birth of my daughter. I am very happy with the choice I made. I had a quick recovery with no complications. It's nice to not have to worry about birth control ever again.
I had tubal ligation about a year and a half ago & have had no problems at all. I had one small incision at the belly button, slight bruising in the belly button area and minor tenderness in the same area. The bruising & tenderness passed in less than a week. Honestly, it was well worth it. I know it's not 100% effective, but I worry less about a "surprise" and can, therefore, enjoy my time with my husband much more.
Best wishes to you.
Never had one (want one, just will never be medically cleared. bummer.) but this seems like the best time. Have a planned c-section and have your tubes tied while they're there.
Pros - no more babies. Exponentially small chance of an unplanned pregnancy. No more birth control.
Cons - like a c-section, it's major abdominal surgery. Make sure your insurance covers it. There's recovery time and surgery always comes with risks (blood clots, hemorrhage, etc).
May also want to think about a vasectomy. It's quicker, not major surgery, recovery time is quicker and it's reversible if you change your mind or life changes your circumstances.
I am looking into permanent birth control as well. I have Diastsis recti so my doctor refuses to do any other form of surgery besides the ESSURE procedure... which is a non-invasive procedure. I like the idea of it much better than tubal litigation. However, had it not been for my Diastsis recti, we would have had my husband get vasectomy b/c of the recovery and procedure is not major. Sorry i can't help you with a story about tubal litigation, but I will be talking to my doctor next week about ESSURE if I am not pregnant again :).
My daughter-in-law had a tubal and 2 and 1/2 years after the procedure she ended up with a tubal pregnancy. Come to find out the "tubal" the doctor did was to place a ring over the fallopian tube to prevent any eggs from dropping down into the tube and then the uterous. Unfortunately the ring somehow came off and she ended up with a tubal pregnancy. If you decide to go with the procedure make sure the doctor is cutting, burning AND tying! Now here is a question for you and your husband. You carried all the children and gave brith, why doesn't he have a vasectomy? He does not have to endure anything except a local where you have to be put to sleep (unless of course you are having a c-section and have a spinal). My husband had a vasectomy almost 25 years ago and had no problems with the surgery and has had no side effects at all in all these years. He said it was a piece of cake and even watched the doctor perform the procedure! Whatever you BOTH decide good luck!
First, if you decide to have the tubal ligation and you want it done immediately after giving birth (not weeks or months after) you should have the consent paperwork signed BEFORE you go in labor or at least check with you doctor to see if you can wait until labor to sign. I spoke to my doctor about it before I had my daughter but we hadn't done the paperwork. Even though I told the nurse I wanted it when I was first admitted, they didn't have me sign the forms and then it was too late and I had to have it done later. A friend had her 5th child, wanted it done and her doctor new it. She went in labor early and they wouldn't let her sign those papers to have it done (presumably because of it being a "in the heat of the moment" decision).
That said, I had the tubal ligation done just before my daughter was 6 months old. No problems. Your ovaries still produce estrogen and you still have your period. The down-side is there is still a risk of pregnancy (although it is a low risk) and in the event that you do get pregnant, the risk of it being a tubal pregnancy is greater.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
I had one 24 years ago and have not had any problems. I had the kind where they cut out a piece of tube and seal both ends. There are less drastic kinds such as rings or clips.
My OB/GYM told me it is safer for the man to have a vasectomy than it is for a woman to have a tubal ligation. However, some men are not in favor of having it done. If you don't want to have anymore children and your husband doen't want to have the procedure done to prevent it, then the best time to have your procedure is when you give birth. Are you having a c-section?
Talk to your OB/GYN. Some will not perform the tubal at delivery for several reasons, the main one being that the failure rate is significantly higher when done after delivery compared to 6 weeks post-partum, when your organs are back to normal after delivery.
Hi J.,
Speaking as someone who has had a tubal, I would advise you to not to do it. My mom warned me not to do it but I didn't listen.
Ever since I had my tubes tied, my period has been totally spuratic (sp?) and the cramping has been horrible.
Along with all that, there was the recovery time. It took about 2 weeks. My husband also had a vasectomy (sp again) and he recovered in less than 1 day. For men it's much easier.
I would suggest having him get done and not you. It's so much easier for them than us.
For me personally, I think the tubal was one of the biggest mistakes I've made.
Good luck on whatever you decide.
I had a traditional tubal ligation (there are several methods as I'm sure you've discovered) done in June so I can't address long term concerns. I had a bit of cramping afterwards for about a week, like period cramps. It was a quick outpatient procedure. Other than that, no side effects. My sister had hers tied several years ago and hasn't had any problems. She too has three children. I think the worst part was when I signed the "Request for Sterilization" form, it looked so harsh. My other friends with three kids opted for the husband to have a vasectomy.
Hi J.,
I had a tubal after my last birth a little over a year ago. At the time, we had a 4yo, 2 1/2 yo and were expecting twins so we like you were absolutely positivie our family was complete!
It's been little over a year since my tubal and I have had no problems what so ever. My periods changed slightly, I have one REALLY heavy day and then back to normal. No other side effects (no horrible cramping, headaches, moodiness, etc) These were some things I had heard from people. My only advice is to make sure you are absolutely sure you are done. I know my OB said if I had one ounce of doubt she wouldn't do it. It's just too hard to reverse.
Otherwise, everything is great and I have no regrets about doing it!
Congratulations and good luck with baby #3!
J., I know the tubal ligation is permanent birth control, and is a surgical procedure that has its on side effects. Have you concidered ESSURE? This is an in clinic procedure that takes maybe 15 to 30 minutes to insert the "springlike" devices. With Essure you have 100% birth control. Your tube tissue grows together blocking the path of the egg. My sister had this proccedure done and cites no side effects other than mild cramping but not even as bad as a menstrual cramp. She had to do a birth control regimine for maybe 2 to 3 months to be sure the tissue closed off her tubes and she didnt become pregnant in that time frame but she states it was worth it, she had to have the dye ran into her tubes to be sure of the closeure and they were closed completely and she is now 100% birth control ready,other than that it was a very great thing without all the side effects that you find with the tubals. I would ask your doctor about the ESSURE. It might be what you are looking for in terms of no side effects. It might not be for you but at least you looked into all your options. Remember this ESSURE procedure is none surgical and doesnt require anesthesia. Its a simple in office visit and they insert the devices into your tubes and then you go home. Maybe you can find out more by visiting the website at www.essure.com. Good luck.
I had tubal Ligation done in 1980 after my third child. It has been great. I never had to worry about becoming pregnant as birth control was an issue and my body was reacting to the pill so I could not take it. I also felt the ease of not having to remember every day and it has not affected me in long terms that I know of. The one thing is I went through menopause at an early age 46 and did not have the normal side affects, now I cannot tell you if this was because I did have the tubal ligation or not. All I know is that is was wonderful for me. (My niece had it done and a few laters later also had it reversed)
vasectomy! tubal ligations are more costly, take longer to heal, are more invasive, and in the case of infection, are way more risky. you also have a chance of ectopic pregnancy. vascetomies and tubal ligations have the same effectiveness against pregnancy. my husband had one, we have zero complaints and he recommends it.
J., if you and your husband have both decided not to have children, can he get a vasectomy? Fewer hormonal issues long term (which you may have to deal with). Just a thought:-) Good luck!
I had very little discomfort after mine...in fact, had I wanted to I could've gone back to work the next day.