Hi L.,
I traveled with my daughter on a trip to Hawaii (10 hr flight) when she was 11 months old. It was a challenge but worked out better than I expected. The flight over was during the day, which was a challenge. We reguested the buckeye (front row) seats which was really helpful. It gives you much more leg room which we put down a blanket and let her play there off/on. She didn't really knap great on the way there given all the distractions, but we walked up and down the isle a lot, sorta watched the movie they had on, brought lots of her favorite toys. The time went much faster than we expected. On the way back, it was an overnight flight. Much easier.... It took her about 2 hrs to get to where she was super sleepy, we did give her a little Benadryl however. She slept the entire way back. Another tip is to say hi to the people sitting around you. You would be surprised that the other passengers can actually help the process but making faces and entertaining him too. This also helps if he gets fussy, they are a little more understanding. It won't be perfect the entire flight, but you will survive. Good luck.