Find someone who specializes in the disease and get their opinion.
i got bite by a tick about a month ago and ended up with the rocky mountain spotted fever. i was giving the antbiotics to tkae and now my feet has been tingling and feeling cold but their not cold to touch. They feel like they are asleep and when i squeeze my toes it feels like thy are going to pop. I said something to my dr and he said give it some time but its still feeling the same and sometimes worse.
Find someone who specializes in the disease and get their opinion.
Please, please follow up. My husband was bitten by a tick in 2009. He became extremely ill. The doctor's suspect Lyme but weren't absolutely positive. He now has been diagnosed with viral cardiomyopathy as a result of that tick bite. He's now on the heart transplant list. See multiple doctors if necessary. Tick bites can be extremely serious and have long term implications. Don't put off further testing and follow up visits.
I think I would go and get a second opinion about it.
I know deer ticks can mess up a lot of things and it will take some time to get back to normal ( my husband had Lyme's really bad) but I would think you would be feeling some relief or getting better by now..
Ticks sometimes carry more than one disease. I had a friend who got very sick with babesiosis and erlichiosis. He had been doing a good nutritional supplementation program beforehand which is probably why he survived (so say the ICU doctors) and he had an amazing recovery by increasing the supplementation to sweep out the infections and the weakness. He had virtually no rehab and the doctor was blown away by his progress. So you may have some toxins in there, some residual damage from the RMSF, or something else going on. I'd investigate the possibility of nerve damage (tingling, cold) as well as a reaction to the antibiotic itself.
You may need to do a second set of antibiotics.
My friend has had the same case for nearly 2 months. She is still not recovered. They did a second test and she still tested positive. So they did the 2nd round of pills.
She can hardly do anything due to being fatigued all the time.
They keep telling her it will get better too. She's still waiting.