Turn the problem on its ear!!!!
Put a big smile on your face, call HER, and tell her that it just doesn't feel like MD without hearing her beautiful voice.
It's both true, you DO want to hear from her, KILLS guilt trips/ I'm so sad not to blah blah blah, AND let's her know on a gut level for future years that she's loved and wanted.
Desire instead of obligation is a HUGE motivating factor. Your SD is a young adult, which in many ways is like a very young child... Still sorting out how the world works and her place in it. My family was INCREDIABLY kind to me during this phase (family tradition I can see now that I'm in my 30s)... Because the stuff I pulled out if sheer ignorance or misunderstanding is VERY NORMAL, and CAN be very hurtful. It's a choice the older generation makes... To be hurt or to cheer them on and lay the example for a warm and thoughtful ADULT relationship.
First year, you call... All smiles and bubbly and thrilled
Second year... You do big hugs ahead of time and tell them they'd better call, it's not mothers day without them! (and expect to get a call on Monday!)
Repeat years for a couple years = the same positive reinforcement.
Really, young adults are very NEW to their social status/ standing/ expected behaviors.
Carrots tend to work better than sticks at this stage, since they can just go live their lives by themselves if they feel hurt/ guilted/ etc.