Only when I plan to go to the beach or swimming in public.
Usually I only shave to just over my knees.
In Molly's question (and subsequent responses) I have found a deep revelation:
Folks. Shave. Their. Thighs.
This is (sadly) news to me. Obviously, I don't shave my thighs. Especially since I am quite likely the most undisciplined shaver (shavist?) of you. And my thighs aren't very hairy.
Anyhow. Do you shave your thighs? (I NEVER have. Not one darn time.)
Only when I plan to go to the beach or swimming in public.
Usually I only shave to just over my knees.
Yes. There are rogue hairs on the back of thighs that can be fairly dark. On me, at least. I hate shaving but do it as often as I have to considering SD, CA weather.
Ha ha ha. I'm laughing. Thanks ladies.
First off, not shave your thighs? Ha ha. Have you seen Chewbaca (sp?).
He must be my sister.
Riley J. you are so funny all the time. You're quite eloquent.
I don't shave my big toe but could I? Quite possibly.
Girly bits. Shaved. DAILY! Um yes . My hubby did not fall in love with
nor marry Chewbaca, Cousin It or Leif Garret/Bon Jovi.
Legs. Shave DAILY. Calves are a must: capris & shorts. Need I say more?
Pits. Enough said. They are called pits for a reason. I shave those bad
boys daily. Thank you short sleeve dress blouses, tanks & well just plain etiquette. ha ha
Edit: Ladies, my hair is so course, I change shavers every few days! :)
I SHOULD own shares in BIC or Lady Shaver!!!
There's just not enough time in the day for shaving thighs.
Ew, no, never above the knee :(
just barely above the knee.......i hardly have hair below the knees much less the thigh
Good Lord. No, I don't shave my thighs.
I'm smart enough to know that's where my femoral artery is located and with my luck, something tragic would happen.
I don't really have anything to shave. But skin. That hasn't worked out too well for me in the past.
I can exfoliate in other ways.
You and Riley are too funny.
:) !!!
I do.
I shave my entire leg.
Was just taught that way.
Most my friends do too.
I have enough hair there, where I do need to shave.
And it just feels so much more silky.
Being here in Hawaii, well, I have never seen hairy thighs. Most women here, shave their thighs.
Lots of dark haired women here... and hair of all colors.
NO, there is nothing there. I guess their might be, but it's so blonde and sparse I can't see or feel it.
I shave my thighs maybe once a year if that. Usually only if planning a trip to FL and will be poolside a lot. I don't have much hair there, if I did I would probably shave more.
lol! I shave to about half way between my knee and to the top of my legs. So, I guess thats up to my thighs. I could never understand how someone could shave only from the knee down and leave the rest of your leg hairy
When I was younger I only shaved to right above the knee and things were fine. When I got pregnant and had kids I got a bad bikini area for some reason and had to start shaving there. Then it ultimately lead to shaving the thighs, only in summer tho. I only shave the bottom during winter months and the bikini area for aesthetic reasons for my hubs.
I didn't know people didn't! lol.
I think I am in the same category as MamaLucky and Riley J...i'm part yeti!
I can't shave every day though or else I get horrible razor burn, so I shave every other day - every 2 days. I like waxing better but I really don't have the money for it right now...although razors are darn expensive too, and I go through those suckers like nothin!
so funny. my mother's maiden name is Shaver. and we have a few rogues in the family :P
i usually do, especially in the summer. i should quit because the hair there is still really fine and you can't even really see it...and i've heard the more you shave it the coarser it becomes...
Ephie I LOVE YOU!!!!
I have NEVER shaved my thighs.....until this summer.
My Father in Law got us Wild Waves Season's Passes for birthdays this year...So I was in a swim suit more this summer....(The few weeks we had of it)......Then any summer before this.
Mine have never been that hairy either...I am blonde on the inside(not so much the outside anymore....Red is my color of choice).
I think shaving takes too much time. so during the winter....I probably wont do it. I have to have the mood hit me as it is...So I go MONTHS in between shaving. Yes I know you are probably thinking GROSS....But Eh. The hubby could care less...and I have better stuff to do:)
You make me feel incredibly normal.
For that I Thank You sweet mama!!
I never have either. I thought that was just something the elite did! lol
Yep, sure do. Always have.