Hi C.:
This is such a trying time for both you and your little guy.It can be confusing,because during the day,when they are preoccupied with playing and running around,they can appear just FINE. Night time comes,and all of a sudden they are miserable.If you think about it,all of us are like that when we're under the weather.When we're busy,were able to take our mind off of whats bothering us,but when all is quiet,and your just laying there,it seems like all you have to do is concentrate on whats hurting.Toddlers can get there first year molars anywhere between 12 and 16 months.Your child may not of had such a tough time with the front teeth,because they are thinner and easier to break through the gum,however the molars are a lot thicker,and harder to break through.This is what causes the pain.The reason he shoves his entire fist in his mouth,is hes desperately trying to find relief.It helps soothe the pain,when he puts some pressure on his gums.I like the pain relievers that Deanna came up with. I like the idea of giving him a cold wash cloth to suck on. It puts pressure on the gums,while numbing the area a little giving some relief.It will also catch alot of the drewl,so he doesn't choke on that. If you have a few pacifiers around,you can chill those and let him chew on those. Ice pops can help. Baby Orajel,may help at bed time,along with the pain medication.Its not easy,but try to have patience,while hes going through this time.It won't be long,and all his little teeth will be accounted for,and he'll be a happy boy. I wish you and your darlin son the best.J. M