Go ahead and take it. You hormone doubles every day, so you'd be amazed how much it can change from one day to the next. Also, I recommend First Response. Keep us posted!!
So i took a pregnancy test this morning, and i think... it was negative. I'm almost positive i am. My period is due in 3 days. Sore breasts, cramping, tired and i normally get no PMS symptoms. I swear i could see the faintest little line in the + window, but it could just be my mind playing tricks on me. Is it too soon to test again tomorrow morning?? I feel silly trying again so soon, but I'm extremely eager to find out. My birthday is Tuesday, and i would love to know before then so i can plan accordingly.. Thanks!
So i did take another test the next morning... and got the same result. I am going to wait until x-mas morning to test again. By then my period will be late IF i am. That would be the best gift!! Pray for me and Happy Holidays everyone! Thanks for all your advice!
Go ahead and take it. You hormone doubles every day, so you'd be amazed how much it can change from one day to the next. Also, I recommend First Response. Keep us posted!!
My advice is to get the digital test that either say pregnant or not pregnant. They are a little more expensive, but take away a lot of the confusion of "is that one line or two?"
Happy birthday and good luck!
Remember, even a faint line is a positive. If you want to try again maybe try tomarrow. Good luck! H.
false negatives are really common, especially early on. when i got my bfp, i tested 5 days before my period was due. the line was veeeerrrrry faint. so i tested the next day. the line was quite clear. then i tested a few days later, when my period was actually late, and the line was darker than the test line.
it couldn't hurt to test again. the instructions usually say to test with your first morning urine, as it contains greater concentrations of the hormone (HCG) you are testing for. good luck!
I am a pregnancy test maniac. I am able to take it 5 days in advance and if I see the slightest line, I know I am prob pregnant. I hold it up right to a light and if you see the slightest second line, you probably are. If you don't mind spending the money on the tests, definately take one tomorrow morning right when you wake up. I just found out I am pregnant after 3-4 months of trying, and when I was not pregnant, it was very obvious there was no second line. Good luck!!!!
Hey J.,
I definately don't want to discourage another pregnancy test, as I was absolutely convinced that I was pregnant as soon as three days after I conceived. I took pregnancy tests every 3-4 days. Unfortunately, they didn't show a positive until 10 days after my missed period. I am in fact pregnant and was in fact pregnant at the time, but it took quite sometime to actually pick up on it. God Bless and Happy Birthday!
Hi J.,
No you are not silly for trying again, even after I found out with my second, I took multiple tests just to "be sure" ha-ha ;). I suggest getting the digital ones though, I think by EPT, so that way it spells it out for you, I find with the ones with the lines, unless it's a bold color line, it's kind of anyone's guess. Try that out and let us know how it goes! How exciting! :) We are going to start "trying" for our third in January and I can't wait! Best of luck to you and your family and Happy Holidays! Quick question for you... I noticed you said your b-day is on Tuesday, did you ever "hate" or feel "jipped" because your b-day is so close to X-MAS? My youngest will be 2 on X-MAS Eve and then my older daughter is going to be 6 on Dec. 29th? I was just wondering how it's been for you growing up with your b-day so close?
Thanks :)
Hi J.!
Check it again it will probably be clearer...happened to me everytime..i peed on the stick and of course put it in the trash after only to find out later that day when taking out the trash it was positive!!
I have always found that with pregnancy tests there is no mistaking a negative result. So if you are questing it at all it is very likely that it is positive and it's just too early. With one of my kids you could only see the hint of a faint line under a certain kind of light, so I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. After a couple more days I took another one first thing in the morning and it was positive. But I remember that any time I took a test and it was negative I knew right away without question. Good luck! I hope it's positive!
It's funny...when I was taking the test with my first 2 children, I swore there could've been a line there saying it was positive, but it was sooo faint. I considered it negative, but tried it a few days later and it was definitely positive. I had thought my mind was playing tricks on me too, but it turns out it wasn't. Give it 2-3 more days and try again.
Good luck!
I would wait two days or take it the day after tomorrow. Plan your birthday and if you are pregnant just don't consume alcohol or just sip on a beer all night. No need to change plans. Did you get the pregnancy test that is clinically proven to test 5 days prior to your next period? You may definitely be pregnant. My sis-in-law took hers the day after a negative and it was positive. Take it first thing Monday morning or if you can't wait tomorrow morning, when your urine is strongest but you may again get a false negative. good luck.
Go ahead, test again! I took my first test the day AFTER my period was due and it was negative. Two days later? A big fat positive!
I also tested again two weeks later because I simply couldn't believe it! Talk about silly test taking! lol
Hi J. - how exciting! The same thing happened to me last year - I knew I was pregnant right before my birthday but the test kept coming back negative (and this was AFTER my period was due!) I was using First Response which is supposed to tell you before your period is due, but I just kept taking a test each day until I either got a positive result or my period came, and low and behold 4 days after my period was due I got the positive! My birthday happened before that though and I still went out and had a few drinks - it was a great night, I just took it a little easier than usual! Good luck - I'm sure your instincts are correct.......
Hi J.,
The same thing happened to me when I was pg with my son. I took 3 tests that all came back negative, waited another week and took 2 more and both came out positive. I think it was just too early with the first few that I took. I'd hold off a week or so and then take another. What a wonderful birthday present that would be!! Good luck!
A. B.
The pregnancy hormone they test for will increase exponentially, so if you can wait a little longer (maybe tuesday morning?) you will probably get a more definitive answer.
It depends on when your period is due. If it's due even today, it's not too early technically, but sometimes you need to let the hormones do their thing and build up, and that's why the rule of thumb for taking the test is the day or subsequent days after of your missed period. For my pregnancies, I took a test after my period was 4-5 days late and got a strong positive both times. I never tried earlier than that. There is such a thing as a test that is negative, then a positive test a few days later! That happens all the time. The tests are made to read the hormones in your body that can only be in place with pregnancy. My advice would be to wait a couple of days and take the test again, assuming your period is due or past due by then. Good luck and no worries however it turns out! Happy holidays!
Take another test - they aren't perfect. At some point, instead of spending more & more money at the drug store, it may make sense to get a quick blood test at your doctor's office- much more accurate. GOod luck and I hope this works out they way you want!
Hi there,
My first test came out negative. They say those things are really accurate, but my first one wasn't, so it doesn't hurt to try again! Good luck!
hi J.,
i know how exciting it is to 'just know' you are preg, but too soon for the test to show a line. The amount of HCG doubles every 24-48 hours so go ahead, try again tomorrow! Or maybe wait until tues. morning. use your first urine for best results. I always used the cheapest test i could find, like the walmart 2 pack. they worked great, and i didn't care if i wasted a test by re-taking. i always tested early too.... it is so hard to wait! good luck.
Hi J.:
My pregnancy test wasn't definitively positive until 5 days after my period was due. I would wait a few more days and retake the test.
As far as your b-day is concerned, drink lightly. That way if you are pregnant, there should be no adverse effect on the embryo.
I would take another one just to be sure. When I took mine, there were 1.5 lines. The second box didn't fill in all the way even after 10 minutes. Lo and behold I was pregnant although looking at the first test I would've said it was negative.