Sucking It In! Belly Bands or Something.

Updated on April 05, 2011
M.B. asks from Detroit, MI
6 answers

Hi Ladies,
I was wondering, Im having a baby in a little over a month, plus we have a couple big events to go to right after the baby is born and I dont want to still look pregnant. Can anyone recommend some kind of band or something that would suck my belly in? I bought one when I had my last baby, it velcroed shut and it was just a stiff piece of junk and it didnt work! It just ended up throwing it away, it would fold up when I sat down and it was a mess. Any advice?

PS- Sorry about my earlier post! hehe ;)

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answers from Boston on

I love my Spanx! It's an investment, but nothing works as well. There are different levels of support - some are just a panty with extra control, some include hosiery, and some are long-line. I have one that clips to the bottom of the bra and goes down to mid-thigh. It's FABULOUS - no folding, no rolling, no binding, no puckering - just smooth and sleek and smaller from top to bottom.

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answers from Charlotte on


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answers from Pocatello on

hehehe... I am a bridesmaid (or is it bridesmatron?) about two weeks after my baby is due! I am going to get "high compression shapewear"

It sounds like the trick is to wear the shape wear all day everyday (and ideally at night) RIGHT after you have the baby... and up to 8 weeks postpartum. That way it will "squeeze" out the extra fluid retained in your belly. The regular belly bands don't cover enough surface are to have enough compression to do much... so a regular "girdle" will do a better job.

I am thinking of getting this one:

Then you'll have to wear them... all the time...(basically)... most people seem to recommend getting two- so while one is in the was, you are wearing the other one. If you just try to wear one the "day of" you'll just look like a pregnant lady in a girdle LOL (from what I have heard)

Good Luck- I hope it works for you (and for me too!)


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answers from San Diego on

I use Target's brand of Spanx. I think it's called Assets. Less expensive, but pretty effective.


answers from Tucson on

Belly Bandit. I havent used it but read that is what celebraties wear. As for Meagan. lol I cant imagine wearing a thong that soon after i delever. My lady parts are gonna hurt. Im due in May and i like the idea of a belly bandit.

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