Stuck in a Rut

Updated on August 09, 2008
A.H. asks from Kaneohe, HI
29 answers

I am trying to lose about 50 to 60 pounds, and am having no luck... I walk about 2 and a half miles each day... I try to watch what I eat, but have a problem staying full...any suggestions, on something to keep me satisfied?? Something not too expensive?

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Thank you all for the advice, I am taking it all in consideration right now, I'll keep everyone posted!!

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answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.. I have been successful with a program called Trim. It combines weight loss exercises with a diet plan and supplements. One of the supplements I highly recommended is CLA. It helps you to lose fat quickly. If you want more info let me know.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Las Vegas on

Isagenix my son just lost 30 pounds in 2 months..

It is what the world has been waiting for! I am serious.



answers from Sacramento on

I went to LA Weight loss and lost 30 lbs in a matter of months, and kept it off up for 2 years until my recent pregnancy. There is a cost involed (I paid $524) but the program is great and easy to follow and I was never hungry. Best of luck :)

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answers from San Francisco on

I have copied & pasted a food program - follow it for 90 days - you may be hungry at first, but IT WORKS, IF you follow it - I bet you'll drop 15-20lb in the first 60 days.

(Suggested for losing weight)

1 Protein
1 Fruit

1 Protein
1 Vegetable
Finger Salad
(no dressing)

1 Protein
1 Vegetable
For carbohydrate sensitive people, man-made sugars and starches create a craving for more of the same. Therefore these foods cannot be eater at all! This plan provides for complete abstinence from man-made sugars and starches and from any foods with more than 10% carbohydrate content.
We suggest three measured meals a day with nothing in between but black coffee, tea or no-calorie soft drinks.

Overeaters Anonymous offers a choice of three disciplined eating plans:
For losing weight ... Plan "A", low-carbohydrate (this pamphlet) or Plan "B", basic-four food groups. For maintaining normal weight ... low-carbohydrate maintenance plan. Before you choose any plan, see your doctor. If you have a medical problem, follow your doctor's plan. You will still be abstaining from compulsive overeating.



Proteins may be mixed (i.e., chef's salad). Vegetables may be mixed. If a ½ cup vegetable is included, the whole portion may not exceed ½ cup.
Sugar must be listed 5th or below on ingredient labels: not among the first 4 items (Ex. Veg Oil, water, salt, spices, sugar.)
Check labels for sugar content: packaged meats, low-cal and regular dressings, mixed spices, vegetables in cans and jars.
Dextrose, lactose and corn syrup are forms of sugar. Must be listed 5th or below on labels.
Mix family salads, then measure two 8 ounce cups for your own, using up to 2 tbs dressing without sugar.
A finger salad is three small, raw vegetables or green salad without dressing.
When eating out, if cooked vegetable in not available have a 4th raw vegetable.
If fresh fruits are unavailable, use fresh frozen not packed in sugar or syrup, fruits packed in water, or their own juice, not sugar added. Mixing of fruits except the ½ cup fruits to total 1 cup.
Use real mayonnaise only, not whipped dressing.
Watch out for high carbohydrate artificial sweeteners. If you are concerned about artificial sweeteners, see your doctor.
1, Use diet catsup and regular mustards on your meats and fish.
2. 3-tsp. lemon juice daily may be used in tea or finger salad. If milk is used as a protein, some of that milk may be used ...




Beef - 4 oz.
Cheese - 2 oz.
Chicken - 2 pieces
Clams - 4 oz.
Crab - ½ cup.
Cold Cuts - 2 slices.
Cottage Cheese - ½ cup.
Eggs - 2.
Fish - 4 oz.
Frankfurters - 2
Ham - 4 oz.
Heart - 4 oz.
Kidney - 4 oz.
Lamb - 4 oz.
Liver - 4 oz.
Lobster - 4 oz.
Oysters - 4 oz.
Pork - 4 oz.
Salmon - ½ cup
Sardines - ½ cup
Shrimp - 4 oz.
Soyburger - 4 oz.
(soy proteins, ham & sausage links)
Steak - 4 oz.
Tongue - 4 oz.
Tuna - ½ cup
Turkey - 4 oz.
Veal - 4 oz.
Milk - 8 oz = ½ protein
Buttermilk, 1 cup = ½ protein
Yogurt, low fat plain 1 cup = 1 protein


Bean Sprouts
Brussel Sprouts
Greens : Mustard, Collard,Beet, Spinach, Turnip
Peppers - green, red
Pickles - sour, dill
String Beans
Summer Squash


Winter Squash
Wheat Germ - 1/8 cup


All spices, Onion Soup, Horseradish, Soy Sauce and Paste, Worcestershire Sauce.



Apricots - 3 medium
Apple - 1 medium
Blackberries - ½ cup
Blueberries - ½ cup
Boysenberries - 1 cup
Cantaloupe - ½
Casaba Melon - ¼
Cranberries - 1 cup
Gooseberries - 1 cup
Grapefruit - ½
Honeydew Melon - ¼
Lemons & Limes - 2
Orange - 1 (3" diam.)
Pineapple - 1 cup
Peach - 1 medium
Plum - 2 medium
Raspberries - ½ cup
Rhubarb - 1 cup
Strawberries - 1 cup
Tangerine - 2 large

This is the food plan. It will get rid of the outer manifestation, fat.

You may ask, "Can I do it?"
Yes, the key is within yourself. All you need is honesty, willingness and an open mind.
Many of the things you hear will sound strange at first. Just listen to the new ideas. Let them flow over you. Give these concepts time to settle.
A choice is open to you. You can choose to become responsible to yourself, for yourself. Learn, one day at a time, to like and love yourself.



We use an 8-ounce measuring cup (level) and a postal or kitchen scale. Foods are measured and weighed after cooking.


Meats may be broiled, baked, boiled, roasted, pan-fried, or grilled. Eggs may be fried. Salad dressing without sugar once a day; a pat of butter or margarine may be used in cooking vegetables.


Cake, candy, candy coated gum, catsup, cookies, honey, jam, jelly, nuts, pastries, peanut butter, pie, sugar, sugared soft drinks, syrups, Creamed, fried or scalloped foods. Cereals, noodles and spaghetti, Beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages. Condensed milk, cream cheese, sour cream and whipped cream. Crackers and all bread products.


1. Write your food plan daily; call it in to your food sponsor for one month.
2. Eat slowly, taking small bites.
3. Eat your meals sitting down.
4. No second helpings at meals.
5. Do not skip any meals.
6. Weigh yourself only once a month.
7. Avoid your individual binge foods.
8. Call before you take that first bite.


3 moms found this helpful


answers from San Diego on

I know how it is I have been in the same position. The best thing I found was the weight watchers points diet. you can go online and order a do it a home system. I was able to eat what my family was eating as well as go out. They also have awsome cook book that you can purchase at borders that tells you what each is points wise. you can also go online and type in weight watchers point and it will bring up a chart and you type in the info and it will tell you how many points. I lost 20lbs in 2 months and the best part is I didn't really have to exercise. good luck and just remember you might not be losing anything now but it will happen and when it does it will be worth all the trouble. Keep it up and good luck

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answers from Los Angeles on


Buld some muscle. Even if you're just doing curls with gallons of milk, and doing squats.

Muscle burns fat faster than cardio alone. Once you have some muscle, it does the work for you. You'll really start to see a difference after a couple of weeks. Don't be discouraged at first, since muscle weighs more than fat, but you'll notice your clothes getting looser.

Sounds like you're eating right and walking. I promise you won't be disappointed.

I have a 6 month old, and so far I've lost 45 pounds from the pregnancy, and have 20 to go.
Good Luck!!

2 moms found this helpful


answers from San Francisco on

I had the same problem - - - your body has adjusted to the 2 1/2 mile walk and the calorie intake.... Try these two things

1. Get your heart rate up before you start walking and keep it up - - - I would bring a jump rope and jump 10 jumps whenever I felt relaxed - or I would job 10 steps then walk 40 then jog 10 - walk 40.... It really helped me get over that hump.

2. You need to eat more often. Force yourself to eat something every 2 hours - a glass of water, a handful of baby carrots, an apple, a slice of cheese - - - and handful of dry cereal - - -this will keep your metabolism going to help you lose the weight - the other benefit is it's a great way to sneak in your 5 a day and you will find you aren't so hungry at mealtimes.

2 moms found this helpful


answers from San Francisco on

i love to snack on edamame. i bought a big frozen bag at smart & final for about 5-6 bucks. it's good, healthy, low fat, low carb.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Sacramento on

I do not know where you live but if your problem is staying full then try something like LA weightloss, my sister did it and lost 40 lbs, so I enrolled my daughter (12) at the time She lost 12" in 4 months, it consists of the therory you have to eat to loose, it is alot of food, it basically gives you a measure chart of servings and a scale. For my daughter it was something like 2 1/2 protiens a day, 4 vegis 4 starch, 4 fruits, 3 fats and 2 dairy, in addition to 64 oz water at least and 1/4 tsp mortan light salt a day .(She had so much beacuse she is so yound that they need more. My sister 28 at the time had 2 protiens, 3 vegis 3 fruit 2 starch, 1 dairy, 1 fat. I did it with my daughter when she began and lost 18 lbs in a few months. it is a great program, you never have to worry about being hungry, you are pretty much TOO full most of the time, take your viatmins each day and your calcium and no matter what make sure you drink at least 64 oz of water, and don't stop walking it is good exercise, you just need a meal plan to keep you comfortable. I reccommend go into LA weightloss or looking it up online, you will not regret it. I only suggest to people that are hungry on diets because that is how I am I have to eat regualarly and no other diet has ever worked for me. There is also another option but it is the hardest thing I had ever done it is a liver cleansing process that is in two week cycles it is called the fat flush and you can buy the book in health food stores. it was hard, there was 5 of us girls doing it, I lo!st 20 in two weeks, my friend lost 39lbs in two weeks, everyone that did it was more than happy at the end but it was a long hard two weeks with withdraws from sugars and starch, But it works, if you want more info feel free to message me!
Good Luck to you



answers from San Francisco on

I used weight watchers and it worked great for me! It gives you great recipes, I never felt cheated, and was able to always snack on something and STILL lose weight.Weight Watchers really focused on being healthy, losing weight a reasonable/safe pace.

I will do weight watchers again after I have my baby. I stopped only because I got pregnant.



answers from Las Vegas on


Have you looked at Weight Watchers? I did the online program and had really good luck with it. The first week or so really sucked but then my stomach shrunk and I wasn't so hungry all the time. I did find with WW, I had to eat lots of veggies to feel reasonably full and stay within my points each day. Crunchy veggies like carrots were especially helpful. Pretzels were also pretty satisfying. I also found having to journal everything I was eating was really helpful in making me realize how much and what I was really eating. Good luck! Losing weight isn't easy!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A.,

You are not alone. Most of us have been there at one time. What I find is that most people do not eat enough and then when they do eat it's nothing but empty calories and there is not real nutritional factor to it.

I would like to offer you a free lifestyle evaluation and body analysis. This may help you get some answers.

Here to help

L. C.
Personal Nutritionist



answers from Los Angeles on

My niece is a personal trainer and gave me a few tips after I had my son.

She said I should break up my meals. If you would eat a sandwich, with a yogurt and carrots for lunch, with a diet soda to drink- instead try eating the yogurt as an AM snack, have the sandwich and a water with lemon (INSTEAD of soda)for lunch and the carrots as an early afternoon snack. She said the trick is eating the same amount as you usually do, but eat every 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours. If you measure your hunger on a scale of 1-10 (1 is ready to pass out, 10 is 20 minutes after Thanksgiving dinner), you should eat until you’re full to about a 6. Your food expands as you start to digest it, so if you eat till you’re at 6, in 30 minutes you’ll be at 8. Also, if you're craving potato chips, that you know are fattening, try eating some popcorn or a handful of nuts if it’s the salty you’re craving, or baked potato or mashed potatoes (no gravy) if it’s the potato. Another hint- NO ONE EVER GOT FAT EATING TOO MANY FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Avocados are filling and the type of fat in them helps to burn off the bad fats already in your body, but not if they are mixed with the bad fats, like the yummy tortilla chips. Grapefruit has a natural appetite suppressant, so try to eat half of one about 30 minutes before breakfast. Ruby Red and Texas Red grapefruits are naturally sweet and if you avoid the membrane skin (eat the pulp only) you won’t get that biter after taste. Dried fruit and trail mixes are GREAT substitutes for candy cravings.

She also said to do different exercises each day. To loose weight, she said I should do 3-4 cardio work outs a week and 2-3 strengthening/ resistance work outs a week. If you belong to a gym, or have access to one, try making a workout plan for yourself. One day, do an hour on the treadmill, the next day rotate through some of the strengthening equipment, the next day do the bike, the next day different strengthening equipment, the next day back to the treadmill, the next day hit the pool, the next more strengthening, so on and so forth. If you don’t have gym access, do your best to simulate what you can.

I hope this helped, -Janell-



answers from San Francisco on

I would recommend 6 smaller meals a day (or 3 small meals and 3 small snacks). It's better for your blood sugar levels and keeps your stomach full and a more consistent size (b/c you're not filling and stretching it out for big meals). Between meals, consider protein bars or handfuls of nuts (if you can eat them). Your body works hard and longer at breaking proteins down than it does carbs and simple sugars. I find a half a protein bar will really cut down my snack cravings between meals. And cut out simple carbs to the best of your ability. No white bread, white rice. Grainy breads and brown rice are good.




answers from Los Angeles on

What I have been using that I've actually lost 8lbs in the last two weeks, is natural and organic, no side effects and the Spokespearson for the product is Heather Hansen from the Biggest Loser is O3World.
Check it out, I love it!




answers from San Diego on

try making home made smoothies use yogurt instead of icecream add all sorts of fruit. my husand makes them every moring and even my 18 moth old loves them. good luck and remember have fun with it.



answers from San Francisco on

It sounds like you have a great start with walking & watching what you eat, however with the right tools you can start to shed those pounds. I've been a member of for over a year & have helped over 500 people to shed those last pesky pounds! The best part it's a lot like weight watchers were you log your food & learn protion control & it's 100% FREE! Come check out my personal page & I'll help you get started with ideas on your meals to lose those pounds.



answers from Lansing on

I totally understand where you are coming from! I thought that while I was pregnant with my baby that I could eat anything and everything. I took the eating for two to a new level. I gain 60 pounds and thought the weight would fall off while I was breastfeeding. I was sadly mistaken. I have been trying the southbeach diet and it is great. I lost eight pounds in the first two weeks! I bought I cook book and the eating out guide for 16 dollars and thats all I have spent. I can't see spending money every week on a diet plan, no offense to those who do. This is the best diet out there for me and one of the best ones for your health! I don't feel hungry at all during the day. You have snacks twice a day and can have seconds if you are still hungry. I sound like an informercial. hehe.

Let us know how it goes! Good luck!



answers from Sacramento on

I have found a website that can help: it is free and that makes it nice. I know you said you walk if you are not getting your heart rate up where it needs to be then it will not burn the way you need it to. Look for a heart rate monitor on sale somewhere and follow the chart to see where your heart rate should be. Good luck.



answers from Las Vegas on

I was in a very similar position as you a little while ago. I finally figured out that cardio was not my thing. Cardio only works for some people, all it did was bulk me up and make me look bigger. The miracle thing that has worked for me pilates! Get one of those from an infomercial (Windsor Pilates for me, 20 mins a day and amazing results!) or at any regular store. You increase the strength of the smaller muscles that support the bigger muscles and make the big ones leaner.

As for the food and staying full thing... that was tricky for me as well. I can only eat sooooo much protein before I go nuts. Just try to add protein to regular stuff because it takes longer to process therefore you feel full longer. Simple stuff, like peanut butter on crackers/bread (wheat), or have an omlette instead of pancakes. It's the sugary stuff that burns quickly and makes you feel hungry sooner. One more tip, if you're hungry, eat something. Especially if you eat healthier, it means your metabolism is working!

Hope it helps!!!!
Good luck!



answers from Fresno on

losing weight is simple, more excerise, less food. But its hard to put into pratice. What you eat is important. More fruit and veggies are less fattening and will fill you up. the walking is great! keep it up. And slow and steady is better then fast. losing 1 or 2 pounds a week and keeping it off is a lot better then starving and losing weight fast then gaining it back. You will feel a lot better once you lose the weight. Remember, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
take care



answers from San Diego on

Cut down on carbs. Don't eat refined sugar or or white rice, or bread. I eat a lot of veggies and protien. Eat as much as you want to fill you up, just make good chooices. Do BIG stir frys wih meat, and tons of veggies, just eat it with a cup of brown rice. Snack on low fat cheese sticks, protien really keeps you full. Simple carbs don't feel you up, are full of simple sugars, and turn into fat a lot faster. Good Luck, I know how difficult it is. i am trying to lose weight as well. I lost it all after my first, but after my second, I just stress eat, chocolate is my problem. YIKES!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi A., in addition to all the wonderful diet suggestions, I highly suggest weight training. Low weight, high reps, this is a must for weight loss. It sounds as if you are doing cardio, which is great but the body gets use to the same exercise, so you need to change up different cardio exercises, we need to "shock" the muscles by introducing new exercises. Maybe change it up every 6 to 8 weeks, instead of walking trying jump-rope, bike-riding or find steps, then climb them up and down, walk back wards up a slight hill, just a few ideas. We don't have to be part of a gym to get a great work out, let me know if you want more ideas. Good luck and I applaud your efforts, it's not easy.



answers from Los Angeles on

It's all about Weight Watchers!! You can eat regular food, its about $30.00 to start and $14.00 a month, sometimes they have specials going on so find one close to you and find out. You will love it!!



answers from Salinas on

Hi A.. This year, I decided to get healthy. I changed my diet and workout 5 days a week. My goal was to lose 60 pounds. In a month, I have dropped 30. This is what is working for me.
I cut out all white flour. I eat only whole grains. No high fructose corn syrup. I substitute Splenda for any sugar needed in recipes. I limit myself to 1 diet soda a day. I drink water, hot green tea and crystal light. I steam all my cooked veggies. I eat 4- 6 ounces of lean protein with 2 meals. Eating a handful of almonds (no salt) 20-30 min prior to lunch and dinner really fills me up.

Here's a sample what I eat:

Breakfast: 2 shredded wheat biscuits w/a 1/4 of banana in Fat Free or Light soy milk

Lunch: 1 Cup of Napa Cabbage Salad w/4 oz of shreddded chicken
w/a sugar free oriental dressing (topped w/toasted slivered almonds and flax seed).

Dinner: 1 cup stemed veggies
1/2 cup brown rice
4-6 oz of protein (usually chicken or fish)

With my workouts....I do cardio 3 times a week and lift light weights 2 times a week. I do lots of step exercises and sit ups. With the sit ups, I use an exercise ball.
I'm the thinnest I've been in years and I feel great. Good luck to you. If you want a few recipes, let me know here's my regular e-mail address:

Much Aloha~




answers from Sacramento on

Hello A. i know how you feel i have been doing the atkins diet for a few months and have lost 40lbs now while i have been on this diet i don't ever feel like i'm hungry at all i feel i have so much more energy to do things with my girls at the park and at home playing with them i have not been as tired as i was. i feel like a new person in alot of ways. you will have to find what works and doesn't work for you. this is a diet that i have found that works for me and i feel great. hope this helps you i found a cookbook that has over 500 low carb recipes so i am eating so many dif meals all the time so i never get tired of the same foods.
R. Bartley



answers from San Diego on

You can try weight watchers.. I hear it works great!! Me, I just keep my calories below like 1200 a day.. I drink Carnation Instant breakfast sometimes to fill me up instead of eating junk.. Dropping soda and sweets helps too. Also aerobic kickboxing and steps works wonders!.. I wish you luck!



answers from Sacramento on

Jenny Craig! I am telling you it works!!! It costs about $75 a week but so worth it!

Hang in there! Good luck.



answers from Los Angeles on

Try the south beach diet. Greens and protein. I lost 30 pounds from it. I was 35 and my metobolism changed and was really hard for me to loose weight. No bread, no pasta, no sugar, and no fruit in the beginning. You really need to cleanse your body. The first 3 weeks is lots of eggs, chicken, fish and loin meat. In addition any veggie that is color green. The first week is the hardest because you start to have sugar withdrawls, but if you make it it really works. Good luck.

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