Stride Rite Outlet?

Updated on November 03, 2009
J.S. asks from Lewisville, TX
7 answers

We are in need of buying our boys their first pair of shoes, and we don't have a clue about how to go about this. We've been given the advice to try Stride Rite, so we were wondering about the outlet store. Has anyone had much luck with the outlet store? We would be trying the Grapevine Mills location...any opinions/advice appreciated. Thanks!

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answers from Dallas on

Stride Rite has wonderful shoes, the materials are soft and the colors are just gorgeous.
If you go to they have an online e-fit calculator that tells you exactly how to measure your baby's foot. you can order the shoe online too.
I know my daughter's size and have ordered online with them before, I have never been disappointed or never have to return a shoe for a wrong size.



answers from Dallas on

I have bought both my kids shoes at the Outlet in Allen. The only problem I have found is that the employees don't seem to be as good at measuring as at the regular store. I don't know why this is, but I have to be extra diligent to check their measurements and also the fit of the shoes they try on.

If they are walking then I would consider at least getting them measured at a regular Stride Rite before venturing to the outlet. If they aren't walking and you are getting soft shoes then an exact fit isn't necessary.

Good luck!



answers from Dallas on

I've made purchases from Stride Rite @ Grapevine Mills and Allen and I've been pleased with both locations.

My 2.5yo loves her shoes from Stride Rite!



answers from Dallas on

Congrats on twin boys; I have 2.5 yr old twin boys, and they are so big for their age! I bought their first shoes at the Children's Place and I buy a lot of their clothes at that place. Often I get 15% off coupons that count on top of sale prices. If you buy $200 in one year, you get 10% off everything you buy for the rest of the year. I have 2 sets of twins, so that plan works great for me. The 10% is on top of the 15% and any sale price. Also you should check resale shops. But if you need wide sizes, I have heard that Stride Rite is the best place. I will be moving in that direction soon, and I plan to just go online to find an outlet or else to just order online. Good luck to you.



answers from Dallas on

I have bought 3 pairs of shoes there so far and one from the non-outlet location at Southlake Town Center. They measured my daughter's foot at both stores too. I found great deals there so far and actually thought about buying ahead since I liked the styles so much. I would give it a try.



answers from Dallas on

I have bought shoes there before and did not have a problem. They were very nice and helpful. I can say that the Stride Rite in the Allen Outlet Mall were not as helpful. Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I realize this thread is old, but in case this can help someone later, i've bought MANY pair of shoes from Stride Rite Outlet in Phoenix/Tempe (there's also one in N. Phoenix) and through the regular (read high) price stores in the malls). Of course, the quality is the same, because they are the exact shoe. The outlets are supposed to be a year later, but I've often seen them have the shoes that the retail stores still are stocking at full price. I save anywhere from 20-40% at the outlet. Customer service isn't quite the same, but only because the staff is not of the higher caliber and there are more customers at one time. Stride Rites have never worn out before my kids grew out of them. I can always sell or donate them. I've had one strap break and they exchanged it. I often have my child outgrow them before my children even wear them, or have hardly have worn them. As long as they aren't scuffed and are pretty clean, they'll take them back and exchange for a larger size. Downside is that many of their coupons aren't good for the outlet, but the lower price more than makes up for it. I get most of my socks from there. The fit of both shoes and socks is just better. I've tried Targer, Walmart and even Skechers and different shoes at Journeyz. I'll stick with Stride Rites . (And no, I don't work for them. I have a 4 yr old girl who wishes she was a boy, so we sneak the flowers and butterflies in, and a 9 year old boy).

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