Still Not Sleeping Through the Night

Updated on May 10, 2007
E.S. asks from Redford, MI
11 answers

My 13 month old son, has rarely slept through the night. Does anyone have any ideas on making this happen? I no longer eats at night, but just wakes up! We have tried not going into his room, but he will scream to the point of throwing up. He is a happy and lovable baby during the day, but at night it is a different story. Any help will be great!

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So What Happened?

Thank you so much, we have been taking bits and pieces from everyones advice, and things are going smoother now. My son is sleeping about 7 hours, and then wakes up for about 20 min, and falls back asleep for another 2 hours. Hopefully it only goes uphill from here!!

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answers from Detroit on

I love the book; The Sleep Easy Solution....I read it and my daughter, 6 mons., is sleeping 11-12 straight and taking great naps! May be worth the read...I thought so! Best of luck!

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answers from Grand Rapids on

Hi E.,
Everyone is different but I would highly reading the book. It may not have helped Leslie but it helped me out greatly. You don't have to use all the advice the book gives but it does work. My son did what yours is doing. He used to gag himself until he threw up. It was never alot though and eventually I learned not to go in because that was what he wanted. It was extremely hard to follow through with that though. It only took two long nights but he stopped it. Good luck.



answers from Detroit on

You need the perfect book - Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. My son is 13 months old and sleeps 11-12 hours straight all night long. He still takes two naps, one at 9 am (1 to 1 1/2 hr) and one at 1-1:30 pm for (1 1/2 - 2 hr). This was not always the case. Around 8-9 months - I finally read the book, before he did not have regular times for his naps and I probaby was putting his too bed too late - 8-9 pm. He goes down at 7:30 pm now, and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. I did have to let him cry himself to sleep for about a week, but each night the time he cried got shorter and shorter, until no crying at all. The same with naps. The key is having a short period of quiet time before sleep. No noisy toys/ no videos - just bath, and/or bottle/nipple, and 2-3 simple books. Also, look for yawning and eye rubbing, but they are not always present. Good Luck! This book has worked for everyone I recommended it too, and it was recommended to me originally.


answers from Detroit on

My son rarely slept through the night until he was 10 months old and then he started waking up again at 14 months old and then we moved and he REFUSED to sleep in his crib.

We put a sound machine in his room to drown out noise and we got him a queen sized bed and put it on the floor. I decorated his room Sesame Street and made sure there wasn't anything dangerous in his room. He sleeps through the night just fine now. He just walks into our room in the morning when he wakes up.



answers from Grand Rapids on

I agree - you should read that will do wonders! I've got two boys (3 and 11 mos) and both are amazing sleepers thanks to the book. Your son needs to learn how to settle himself wake up all the time at night but need to learn how to put themselves back to sleep. Unfortunately, the process involves a lot of crying and letting them just fall asleep without you going in. He's not hungry or rest assured that you're doing the right thing by teaching him how to do this. It's hard! But you can do it! GOOD LUCK!



answers from Kalamazoo on

Oh man, I hear ya! I have a 10-month old who is like this. Like your child, mine does not eat in the middle of the night but he'll wake up screaming and have no idea how to calm himself down. It's weird b/c he goes to bed nicely on his own (I don't put him to bed already asleep) and he naps fine but for some reason the middle of the night is his time to freak out! It's difficult b/c I have a 2-year old as well and he was sleeping through the night by 2 months so I feel so stuck with my 2nd little guy. I wish I had great advice for you but at least you can know that you're not alone!



answers from Detroit on

ok- my son is 17 months old and just started to sleep through the night about 1 1/2 months ago. I was reasy to pull my hair out, so I completely inderstand what you are dealing with. I too have a puker!! I will tell you what I did/do......every night I have the same routine, bath, oatmel, bottle, book. I rock him until he is groggy. I lay him down awake. I tell him I love him, and to sleep tight for mommy. I walk out of the room. If he cries, I wait 10 minutes, go up, hug him, lay him back down, and tell him I love him-walk out. Repeat if necessary. During the night- if he wakes up, let him cry about 5 minutes, then go in and hug him-tell him you love him-lay him down-walk out. Repeat. It's hard, but it does work. I actually tried this a few times with my son prior to a month ago. I feel your pain. Good luck-A.



answers from Detroit on

I went through the same thing. And my son also would throw up if I just left him. I started going in at small intervals of time and then would increase the times after a few days. The first time I let him cry for 15 minutes before I went in. I would try to sooth him but wouldn't pick him up. I would keep going in every 15 minutes with minimal touching until he finally just got so tired he would fall asleep. Then I went to 20 minutes, 25 and so on. It is tiring and hard and you will loose on some sleep but in the long run it is worth it. It took him just short of a week and he has slept through the night since.

Good luck. A.



answers from Saginaw on

we let my daughter take a sippy cup with water to bed wit her, it's comforting, and she also has some stuffed animals that she likes to cuddle with. has he just stopped using a bottle or breastfeeding? he might be mad about that~ try getting a set bedtime routine so that it's not a "surprise" when you put him in the crib, babies like routine. Try getting his jammies or take a bath and then read a couple stories before you put him in the crib. Whatever you decide to do, just stick with it, usually after about a week, they calm down, it's just 1 really bad week~ good luck!!!



answers from Saginaw on

How long does he sleep before waking up screaming? It might be something to do with his schedule. You might want to try using a softly playing radio and/or nightlight. Everybody goes through cycles of rest and wakefullness in the night. Chances are he's just not able to relax when he wakes in the night.



answers from Detroit on

My advice would be to stay away from that book!!!! I poured over that thing when my son was a baby and sick (chronic ear infections and asthma) and it made me crazy! According to that book, everything that I was doing was wrong, and not only that, it was affecting him now and would cause him problems for the rest of his life. You are under enough stress and pressure without adding to it. My suggestion would be to go into his room, and calm him WITHOUT taking him out of his crib. If he pukes, wipe it up as best as you can and keep comforting him without holding him. Slowly, take longer to go in, and be less comfort. For example, instead of rubbing his back and talking to him, just put your hand on his back and don't say anything. Let him cry it out with you there, and slowly, be there less. This will seem like torture at first, and you will lose more sleep than you do now, but eventually, it will work. Nothing is an overnight cure, everything is a gradual process that has to be CONSISTENT!!! My sis-in-law just went through this with my 14 m/o neice and it worked. Good-luck! I know how difficult life can be with a sleepless baby!

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