We only heard one side of the story.
From your side, I can understand being frustrated. It sounds to me like the entire in-law family is involved with your husband's son. I don't understand what the heck they and their opinions have to do with anything. It's between the mother and the father. You and the husband of the mother, if there is one, gets limited say. It's not your child but it is your home, money, time, etc.
It sounds to me that the boy is getting to hear the opinions of too many adults on that side of the family and is playing into that, and Dad's guilt, and the mean step mom syndrome is there, I'm sure.
I'm sorry, but I don't care if the child is from divorce or not. Why does he get special alone time when his other children do not. I can understand at times and when it's convenient. I am a child of divorce. I did not want to be treated better than my 3 younger 1/2 siblings. (I had 2 older brothers too) I just wanted to be treated equal. When my dad would pick us up I expected to be treated fairly as the others. I wanted to fit in. Course, my father rarely saw us and he lived down the road. You would have thought I would be acting like your stepson demanding time and all that and wanting my own way. I wasn't like that. Neither was my older brothers. So I think his behavior is wrong, from what you've said. I think he's expecting special treatment and Dad to go out of his way to basically show the child that he loves him by going far and beyond the call of duty. The stepson is part of his father's family. That means he is a sibling to the children from the second marriage and he should be treated the same as the others and should be doing family events together. Doing far too many "alone time" things is only going to drive him and his 1/2 siblings further apart.
Again, the in-laws have nothing to do with the boys parents decision. There should be no big family discussion. That is such a cult like attitude. Reminds me of my in-laws, lol! If a 13 year old is throwing a "whining session" where are the adults putting a stop to such behavior? Sounds ridiculous. Dad needs to put his foot down and tell him that he makes little money and can only afford certain things to do. He will either be thankful for his time with him and the family or he can stay home. He will not be selfish and constantly get "alone time" at his every whim. Period. There's no reason why they cannot have conversations over the phone often and email and send text messages as well to keep in touch. This is a modern age. All children are equal and should be treated as such and do not allow the child to guilt everyone and do not allow the in-laws to have a say. They are not the parent.
K. B
mom to 5 including triplets