It can make your period come earlier or later or change the duration, so sometimes you'll have a longer period after taking it. But then it should get back to normal, there are no long term side effects. Good luck to you!
Has anyone had to use this? I am wondering what kind of effects (if any) it had on your menstrual cycle?
It can make your period come earlier or later or change the duration, so sometimes you'll have a longer period after taking it. But then it should get back to normal, there are no long term side effects. Good luck to you!
I used it once. It just made me start my period. No pain, no side effects and my cycle was back on track the following month. Good Luck.
I have taken this without any effects. I have known friends who start their period immediately along with painful menstrual cramps. Everything should level out in a couple months.
I took this pill about a year ago, just once. It did mess with my menstrual cycle for a few months, but after that everything is back to normal. Of course every one is different, but I did not have any other side effects. Good Luck