You sound very angry with this child. I can tell you, my own 11 year old girl is very loving, but extremely manipulative. It is just her way. She is selfish and self centered and will do things to upset her brother, just to get attention. We work on these behaviors all the time and I love her deeply, but it is how she deals with the world around her. She is biologically mine, she does it specifically with me more than anyone else. You seem to think she's doing this TO YOU. I think she's doing this because she's an 11 year old girl who has always done it to get her way. In this one post, you've called her a pain in the arse, some bratty kid, selfish, manipulative, self centered, and a dozen other insults. I don't have an answer for you, because my daughter exhibits the same behaviors. But I would never in a million years consider sending her away, and if your step daughter's father considered choosing you over his child, I would consider him an unfit father. She is a child who needs love, compassion, discipline, and attention. If she needs help, then get her help. But don't do it in an effort to make her who you want her to be. Do it to help her be the best "sally" she can be. She deserves better than her step mother calling her "some brat" "pain in the arse."
You're in a difficult situation and I feel for you! But please, understand that you are the one sounding selfish here.
ETA: based on your SWH. I'm sorry - your SWH explained very little. You are basically saying the desire to send the child away comes from your husband, but I couldn't be with a man who was so heartless and inept - it's his child. He needs to step up and be a man. You took her off all meds. Where did you get your medical degree? How do you know that is right for her? That is probably part of why she's gotten worse! And so what if you never told her she ran off the first step mom? If it was told to you, you still knew it. You sound a little less harsh since you know where she's coming from, but then again, when you were 11, having lost a mother, I doubt you would have done better, being called names by your stepmother. And seriously, I find it really strange that you asked your older kids what they want to be called when you talk about them on the internet??? Really? When I discuss my kids on this site, I hope they'll never know it because I need to speak openly about them. Are you suggesting they know you post about them here and what they're called? That's really insensitive and unbelievable.