If mom is not willing to compromise, I hate to tell you, but your hands are tied. You cannot control what she does at her mothers. My husband and I are in the same exact position. I have a step daughter who is 14 and I have been in her life since she was 3. We have a 3 yo too. It is tough when dealing with an ex that has no parenting skills, but think how your stepd feels. It is really hard for her to go from one extreme to the next. One home has responsible parents that discipline and the other is a free for all. She is 15 and maybe you and your husband need to let her do little more, trust that she will make good choices and keep faith you have taught her to make those good decisions. Trying to talk to any teenager is tough, but keep trying and maybe give her some space and more privileges. She is getting older and probably feels you are suffocating her and she is angry about that. Try to look at this through her eyes and not the mothers. Make this about the stepd not the mom.