Hi T.,
Firstly, don't wait till your all out of diapers to start potty training, you may need them, especially at night. I have 5 kids, I know alittle bit about this. Go get the potty seat now, get two, one on each floor of the house, you may also want to carry one in the car and be prepared to have to use it instead of a public rest room. Some times young kids are frightened of a potty that isn't their own. Bottom line, be prepared for anything. Carry a bag or leave a bag in the car or nearby w/ extra change of clothes, wipes, a water bottle,(you may need it to rinse out the potty seat), couple of plastic grocery bags for disposing(if no big potty is nearby), hand sanitizer, and
a small treat for using the potty.
We found a small treat of two M&Ms for going peepee, and 4or5 when their was something solid in the potty. Yes, they will try to sit their and con you into candy for just trying sometimes, but be tough--You know, show me the goods, and you get a prize-no goods, no prize. Keep trying!
It's called tough Love, and you better learn how to use it now, otherwise you will get walked all over by you child.
Also, make sure your child care provider is using the same technique as you and you are both consistant. It's easy to confuse a 2 yr old, so talke to who ever is carring for your child and work out a plan first.
Even before that, go get a couple of cheep little potties, don't use up the diapers, (just put them out of sight for now and have them available for bed time and naps, that will or may stop later), and dedicate two or three solid weeks to focusing on the potty. Really one solid week at home worked for us, play time was at our house, we didn't go on trips or over to other peoples houses. Going to bed by 7-7:30 is the normal bedtime for a 2yr old and naps or rest time is crucial. So don't keep them up late or not give him a nap, this causes bad behavior, then they forget about the potty, and you have lost an entire day, because you wanted to be out late or wanted to go someplace and had to bring the child. This process can go quickly, but you need to be dedicated to being a good parent first.
Good Luck!