Starting Maternity Leave

Updated on April 29, 2007
A.S. asks from Tucson, AZ
5 answers

I'm 36 weeks pregnant. This is the 3rd week in a row that I've been sick. First it was a congestion and coughing, then it seemed to go away, but not completely so the Dr. told me to take the 2nd week off. I went to the Dr. that next Monday, and the NP told me I was fine to go back to work, even though I told her that my head seemed really congested, like the beginnings of a sinus infection. So now, it is a full blown sinus infection, and the Dr. said I needed to start my maternity leave now. She told me at work, and I started crying! I was so embarrassed, it was the kind of crying I couldn't talk through and it lasted for like 10 minutes. Hello Hormones! Did anyone else take advice as hard as I did?

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for your support. I feel a lot better, the sinus thing seems to be clearing up, and I still have until Thursday off work. I think I may go back part time for 2 weeks or less to train my replacement for the time I'm off. But I can see now, just in my mental state that I need to start giving all my focus to our son. I can't wait to see his little face. And, I'm happy to say that I now only read gossip and other things that entertain me, and not stress me out. Thank you all so much, good advice.

More Answers



answers from Phoenix on

I've been the same way in my pregnancy getting sinus infection after sinus infection. I'm pregnant with our second child this pregnancy has been a drain. I'm 33weeks in my preagnancy. I started having contractions last weekend. I saw my doctor the following Monday and he said I had to be on bedrest for the rest of my pregnancy. I didn't want to. But you have to think that it is in the best interest of your child.



answers from Phoenix on

Maybe you should see this as a blessing and use it to your advantage. Do some things you won't have time to do after the baby is born. One thing I would highly suggest is to make some meals ahead of time and put them in the freezer (in a throw-away pan is even better). You will be greatful to have some home-cooked meals that you don't have to spend time cooking after the baby arrives.



answers from Tucson on

It's good to start maternity leave now. You need to relax and get better before you start going into labor. Don't try to look at birth photos to freak yourself out. Look at baby pictures instead and think about how beautiful your baby will be. The most important think to do in labor is breathing exercises so make sure you practice them every day. Everything else will be a piece of cake after that and when they put that baby in your arms, oh, man!, I will stop typing before I start crying...



answers from Phoenix on

Everything is going to be fine. When I was about 20 weeks pregnant I received an email from HR saying that I had 15 days to get my FMLA paperwork filed or they wouldn't pay me for it and I went into hysterics in front of customers, my coworkers, and I also got very upset when my boss told me that because my sales were so low, (because of frequent bathroom trips ;) ) at 36 weeks that I should have my doctor put me on bed rest or I would probably lose my job... so I did, at first I was upset, but I am glad I did. It gave me some time to relax and watch the Discovery Health Channel. I ended up getting pre-eclampsia and having the baby via emergency c-section (my ob/gyn told me that the next one comes with a tummy tuck) I was so terrified of the whole process, but I wish I could afford to pop out at least 9 more. My son is 7 months old, and he is the COOLEST thing I have ever made :D The second I heard that little cry and I became a mommy.. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. I can't vouch for a vaginal birth.. but as far as a c-section... while it is major surgery... I had NO labor pains... the baby was delivered in 15 minutes and the whole event lasted 45 minutes, I had minimal discomfort (If they tell you to breathe into that little plastic lung capacity thing... DO IT... even if it hurts) Opt for a vaginal birth, but don't be afraid of a c-section. May you have a very easy delivery, and I am so excited for you!



answers from Phoenix on


Take a deep breath with me....good. Ok, something that can help your sinus infection is to boil water on the stove most of the day, stand in the bathroom with the door shut and the shower on hot so you can breath the fumes. I am so sorry! I get a lot of sinus stuff with alergies and all.

As a Doula, Childbirth Educator, I think it would be in your best interest to get some last minute classes and a Doula to help you through your birth, she can help you to understand what your body is doing now, in birth and after and ways to cope with the discomfort. Keep in mind that a first time labor can be 12-72 hours, so sleep and eat as much as you can to keep your energy up.

My thoughts are with you and pray that your birth goes smoothly.


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