Well if you can get people to want to do that, then that helps. So "survey" people you want to invite to this. First.
You ask people first, IF they would be into that. ie: a game night.
It can be weekly or twice a month of once a month, depending on the schedule of yourself and the others. And it should be something that is, doable. For all. Not a hassle.
Because, if no one is into it or can't make it or are too busy, then you can't have a regular game night and no one will attend.
Choose a night and the TIME of it. Start time and end time. So that people can adjust their schedules or schedule it in and, do it.
Then, either YOU supply all drinks/snacks, or not and decide if your budget can handle that cost. If not, you SAY to the participants, that these game nights are pot-luck. And make the pot-luck easy for people to do. Otherwise, bringing snacks/food to a gathering, becomes a hassle for people and it gets too complicated, and then they may not want to do it, over time.
AND if you get into the realm of "prizes" being given out, then well that gets more complicated and costly. So you decide, what is the point of it? ie: the prizes and people being competitive over it, or just the camaraderie and fun, of it. Even if you do not get prizes for it?
And also: do YOU supply all the games, or not? Or others can too? Or if other people bring games, then you get into the "problem" of WILL others want to play that too or not? And do you think it is appropriate or not? And who's game... will be played that night or not? So you have to come up with a PLAN... and organization about it.
I would not do MANY games a night. That will make it a long night. I would pick one game, and play that. Some games can go on... for at least an hour. For example. And then people may get petered out on it.