I agree with you. I hate when people tell me they just aren't going to vote. Those that don't vote, have no right to complain about anything.
Can people who say they are not going to vote please explain to me what they hope to accomplish by that?
It seems much more logical to vote for a third party candidate if you don't like the main 2 choices. If third party candidates get a certain number of votes, they have access to more public campaign funds and get their message out even more in future elections. The only way we will ever get more choices is if we support the alternative voices out there.
But maybe I am missing something here. If so, please enlighten me.
In my state, there are funds available for any party that gets above 5% of the popular vote and they are allowed into debates which I think is important. Personally I would like to see us move to a multi party system like what you see in Europe. Then the parties are forced to form coalitions and work together to get things done. I had NO idea that some states don't even allow 3rd party candidates on their ballots. That is outrageous!
I am proud to say that I have voted in every single election (including primaries) since I turned 18. I have not been as involved with individual campaigns as I would like but this year I am determined to do some volunteering. Our government can only be as good as the people who get involved.
I guess I am a believer still despite the frustration of watching the Supreme Court declare corporations have the same rights as people. If people stand up and fight for what they believe in they lose. In MN, we had an election a number of years ago that shocked everyone. All the polls indicated the Dem or Rep candidate would win governor, then out of nowhere the independent candidate won because he rallied the young to get out and vote. We still all have a voice if we care enough to use it. Sure it is our right not to vote, but I say use it or lose it!
I agree with you. I hate when people tell me they just aren't going to vote. Those that don't vote, have no right to complain about anything.
"What's accomplished?"
Believing one has the right to express disdain, because the voting choices were so 'beneath them'. I'd rather vote for a third party or "OTHER" (which is available on all ballots) than not vote, and have in the past.
I wish it were like Australia, where it's the duty of the citizens to vote and is therefore mandatory, punishable by fines or community service for not voting. Their polls are worker-friendly and open on the weekends. (Hmmm...something to think about!) I think it's just part of the job of being a citizen, and since I pay taxes, I have stake in the game. I want to have a voice, not let someone speak for me.
I guess because they don't take their civic duty to heart...
they use the excuse their vote won't matter...or it doesn't matter who I vote for my state goes the other way any way...
VOTE!!! If you are an American age 18 or older it is your DUTY to vote. If you don't vote? You don't have the right to complain, in my book.
I don't think you're missing anything, I felt the same way reading some of those responses. I was going to post something to that effect but you beat me to it. Not voting is disgraceful and people should be ashamed to say that. If you can't see the huge difference in the two choices then as others have mentioned write in your choice.
What is also troubling about Americans not voting in the presidential election is that it will likely result in them not voting at all. There will be many state propositions, local candidates and important decisions to be made aside from the presidential race. Sometimes those elections are even more important than what we consider the "big ones" in the way they will shape our lives.
Throwing up your arms and saying "I'm not voting" is acting like a spoiled child who pouts in the corner because they are not getting everything they want. I assure you there are millions of people across the globe who have it far worse off than any of us that would trade places with and American in a heartbeat. People need to grow up.
I vote, even if I know that living in Obamaland isn't going to change a damn thing for this corrupt state.
Obama+Chicago= CORRUPTION
Woman complain that there is a war on them (left propaganda). And how woman fought long and hard for us to have rights equal to men. Then there are the feminists. We see woman in other countries that are still being treated like garbage, they are dirt compared to men, they have to hide their faces, not even there nose can show or it will be wacked off, they can be beat for no reason, etc etc etc. WELL THEN WHY ON GODS GREEN EARTH WOULDN'T YOU VOTE? I'm sure any of these other woman would love the opportunities that we FREE American woman have.
A vote not cast is a vote for the winner.
I don't think voting for some third party you don't like is any better. If someone is a viable candidate they will get private funds. I am not even sure where you got the information that past votes get you public funds but I am not tickled about the idea of wasting public money on losers any more than on the winners.
I always vote mind you.....
I would think that WOMEN (plural) would want to vote just so that their rights don't s-l-i-d-e away, making us more like those poor women overseas who are beaten by men and not allowed any freedoms. Pat Robertson actually said on his program when a man asked how he could get his wife to accept that he was head of the household, that the man should become a Muslim so that he could beat her. The woman on the program with him laughed, thinking he was joking, but he really wasn't. (I hope that Pat is just getting senile, that he really doesn't believe that women should be beaten by their husbands, but who knows!)
Anyway, yes, people should vote. And if women don't want their rights eroded away, they need to be paying close attention to losing those rights, and what the candidates are saying and how they have voted in the past.
I feel that if someone does not choose to educate themselves on the candidates or issues and they are not interested in voting, then they should not vote - it does no good to just randomly push a button. And there are a lot of people out there who simply have no strong opinion and do not wish to participate. It's a right I embrace, but that's not how everyone feels.
You know, people say their vote won't count in their state, but the last time I checked, this is also a national election. I vote for the candidate that I feel is the best choice, and because I believe my choice does count. Where will we be if everyone took the stance that "my vote doesnt count so I won't vote"? In one heck of a mess.
Those who refue to vote have no right to complain about or comment on any of the political issues for the next four years, because their opinions won't matter. They didn't bother to vote. jmho.
Cheryl! I totally disagree with you on whom to vote for, my friend. But on this one, I couldn't agree more. Well put.
I don't think anyone who doesn't vote hopes to 'accomplish' anything, hence not voting.
I'm not political, never have been. In fact, I've never voted. My wife has a strong interest in politics so I am attempting to gain some knowledge on it, for her as well as myself. Knowledge never hurts right?
Some people have no real interest in politics. So voting to them, doesn't matter.
I live in Florida. There's no way President Obama is going to win this state. But, I still vote because there is always the hope that everyone else in the state will forget what day it is, and then my one solitaire vote will swing it.
Ok, not really, but I do vote because I have never been one to just stand by. It may not mean much to anyone else, but it's my way of saying, "I don't agree."
There are people in other parts of the world that are afraid to vote for fear of death. In my book, it is pure ignorance NOT to vote. It is a right and a duty to vote once we are 18. If people don't vote, they should have not a word to say on politics at all.
Some states (like Oklahoma - I am an Oklahoma resident, although currently live in Texas) do not allow 3rd party candidates on the ballot. I don't remember if there is a spot for a write-in (there may be) but 3rd party candidates don't get an actual "spot" on the ballot.
I live in a Democrat state. Plain and simple.
No matter which way I vote, our EC members are going to vote for Obama.
My vote has zero impact.
And no, sorry. I don't believe that every vote counts. Not for a second.
I've watched it not count too many times to believe otherwise.
I am insterested to hear as well. I can not stomach people who say they aren't voting. How can you ignore those who have gone before you and suffered, died, tortured, been ridiculed to allow you to vote? Don't you think you can repay their heroic efforts by taking the time to read up on the candidates and pick one?
Do you have time to read magazines, watch TV, get your hair and nails done? Well, you should be ashamed if you don't take the time to inform yourself about the candidates and vote.
Voting for a 3rd party candidate doesn't seem to be the answer if you don't like the choices out there...especiallly now when there are really only 2 main choices for president...if that's what you are talking about!
I think you will need to vote for the lesser of two evils...if you definitely don't like the one candidate and aren't crazy about the other one, you still need to vote for the one you aren't crazy about. If you don't vote, then that is just like voting for the one you absolutely don't want to get into office!
It is your right to vote.... just as much as it's your right to not vote. One of the beauties of America. It's your right to freedom of speech regardless if you voted or not as well. Another thing that makes America amazing. We have the right to do most things as well as the right not to. It's all up to each individual person.
I know alot of people get disenfranchised with the system as a whole when you get down to it. We aren't even a democracy for christ's sake. That turns ALOT of people off I know. I live in a red state. It's a red state to the point where if you aren't a republican you are doing nothing but pushing the button for your own right to vote if you vote anything else... you know the vote you just cast means you exercised your right that is it. You know the electoral votes are still going to the other candidate so they say why bother. Sure on alot of the local stuff you have far more of a say than on the presidential vote. That really really turns people off in my state. I've heard that repeated over and over again.