My youngest daughter has speech delay issues. We actually were worried about autism and then at about 14 months, she seemed to "join" our family. She is still a quiet child and hardly ever talks around people she doesn't know well, even family members.
I mentioned it to my pedi and she helped me get in contact with ECI (early childhood intervention). Every county has one. When your child turns 3, you can get services from the school district. Personally, I would get a move on so that you start out in ECI... the evaluation process is much more thorough in my opinion - Ihave older children who had speech with the school. From the time my pedi referred me ( you DON"T have to be referred), to the time they came out to evaluate my child was a month.
It is based on income and generally the first 6 months is covered and then they file on insurance- school district is covered- so by the time your child turns 3, your 6 months will be up.
In our case, it is like my daughter was just holding out on us. Her vocabulary has tripled since this past August when I had her evaluated. So much so that I decided to wait and have her evaluated at 2 (in march) just to see where she stands and so I could use my 6 months then if needed. It is just like she decided she was going to start talking and there she went. She actually won't say words if she doesn't say them correct either. My oldest child is named Forrest and she can't say that, so she has started calling him Wade, which is his middle name. ( I call my kids my both names...esp when in trouble :) ) It is a funny thing, but nothing I had seen before with a child.
Anyway, Good luck. I hope you contact your ECI and get the ball rolling... having my daughter evaluated was the best thing for me, I had a lot of guilt issues about it and very worried as well. They measured all her strengths so it was great to see where she went over her age group as well...