Well this might not help too much, but all my life my back is always been itchy. Its not all the time, its usually at night when I'm lying in bed watching T.V., but its really itchy and no rash dry skin, nothing. 90% of the time it doesn't bother me at all, but when its itchy its really itchy and I've even taken my hair brush too it! HaHa. anway, I've heard everything from when your skin is growing or stretching to its nothing. Do you remember how itchy your belly was when you were pregnant, mine was crazy itchy! It could just be a small phase and he's growing, it is the age when they often have another growth spurt! i wouldn't be worried about it unless he is dong it 24/7 and he's scrathing off the skin. If he is mostly doing it at home when he's relaxing it could be anything comforting to him to actually itchy. I'll tell you with my back, its not like the regular itch where you itch it and its gone, I would have my husband scratch my back for as long as possible. Try giving him a cool (cold as he can stand) wash cloth to rub on his face and see if that relieves the itching if it does then he really is itchy, if it doesn't do anything then it may be more of a comfort or little quirk! Good luck Jennifer